so i had my first mma comp this month and only a week to prepare for it. i had very miniumal training to begin with, but i love this stuff so i figured why not. well i ended up losing to last years champ and at the very end losing to the guy who won 2nd, and both of them had years of experience. and were very good. i made a lasting impression on everyone in my weight class, and prettyt much everybody else in the comp. i could not be more pleased since i didi so well and the coach in charge of the whole thing knew i only had about a weeks worthe of training i have now been chosen to be part of a team to represent the entire 25th infantry devision at an army world wide competition. for the next couple 7 weeks or so i will not have to go to work or answer to anybody but my coaches and all i do is train with world class fighters until the comp, then they fly us all the way to FT.Benning GA for the competition. i have definitly found a new love in life, even though it hurts like hell. my body is tore the hell up after this comp. 5 individual 1 round 8 minute fights. one guy got my knees really good my reight does not feel to healthy but oh well there is training to be done.

sorry the post is so long thanks for reading bros