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  1. #1
    orton4 is offline Member
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    Wanderlei a year off!

    i was lookin around on some of my usual websites that i check out and saw an article on, it says that wanderlie is taking a year off of competition. Some crazy news but i think it could work to his advantage and give him some time to patch up the holes in his game

  2. #2
    Panzerfaust's Avatar
    Panzerfaust is offline Ron Paul Nuthugger
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    Awesome news IMO!

    He has never taken much time off, and that is exactly what he needs. Wanderlei is not a stupid fighter, he knows what is best for him but when he was the champion he felt obligated to fight as much as DSE wanted him to which is why it was common for him to fight 2-3 shows in a row and rack up 5-6 fights in one year.

    No matter what kind of competition you face, getting in shape and staying in shape to fight that many times in a year is hard on the body. Your body never gets to rest.

    I have heard him say he plans of refining his technique as he knows it has slipped some as of late.

    I eagerly await his return, he will be a force once again..wait and see.
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  3. #3
    Sepsis's Avatar
    Sepsis is offline Member
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    i think it will be good for him. i hope he takes a year off and his comeback fight is a rematch with hendo!

  4. #4
    orton4 is offline Member
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    i agree with you guys i think it is exactly what he needs. it will give him time to rest up any nagging injuries and refine his game. he did also say he would not pass up a fight in a mma superbowl type fight card, so either way he is a ways away from fighting any time soon. time to rest up and get ready for the next fight year in 2008 for Wanderlei. i cant wait to see him back better than ever. On a side note i think this will be a reason that chuck is going to loose his fight to rampage. He has been on the go for awhile now with promotions, fights, tv shows, being ill,etc. etc. its going to catch up to him and i think he will loose to rampage once again. it would be interesting to see how chuck handles a lose to rampage and if he will take time off for awhile like wanderlei is

  5. #5
    QuieTSToRM33's Avatar
    QuieTSToRM33 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Good move Wandy ... definitely a wise decision.

  6. #6
    Box This*'s Avatar
    Box This* is offline Associate Member
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    Bout time as well hopfully he will come back fresh and meet chuck.

  7. #7
    Panzerfaust's Avatar
    Panzerfaust is offline Ron Paul Nuthugger
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    Quote Originally Posted by orton4
    i agree with you guys i think it is exactly what he needs. it will give him time to rest up any nagging injuries and refine his game. he did also say he would not pass up a fight in a mma superbowl type fight card, so either way he is a ways away from fighting any time soon. time to rest up and get ready for the next fight year in 2008 for Wanderlei. i cant wait to see him back better than ever. On a side note i think this will be a reason that chuck is going to loose his fight to rampage. He has been on the go for awhile now with promotions, fights, tv shows, being ill,etc. etc. its going to catch up to him and i think he will loose to rampage once again. it would be interesting to see how chuck handles a lose to rampage and if he will take time off for awhile like wanderlei is

    You make a good point but Chuck does not fight that much at all, he fights 1-2x a year. We all know he likes the party lifestyle and loves the "Nyquil".

    I think he believes all the BS people say around him and about him "Your the best bla bla bla"..I think it has taken its toll, we shall see.

    There is a big difference though between needing to rest because you have been fighting 4-5-6x a year compared to just lay off the partying.

    Wanderlei has rarely ever rested or taken time off, this will work wonders for him wait and see.
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  8. #8
    orton4 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by muriloninja
    You make a good point but Chuck does not fight that much at all, he fights 1-2x a year. We all know he likes the party lifestyle and loves the "Nyquil".

    I think he believes all the BS people say around him and about him "Your the best bla bla bla"..I think it has taken its toll, we shall see.

    There is a big difference though between needing to rest because you have been fighting 4-5-6x a year compared to just lay off the partying.

    Wanderlei has rarely ever rested or taken time off, this will work wonders for him wait and see.

    ur right muriloninja but what made me think of that was in an interview with dana white when he was commenting on Chucks "nyquil" interview.... when he was saying how run down chuck was and how he has been sick for awhile... ur right though he doesnt fight as much as wand does... i dunno if any one does... but it will be interesting to see if he does take a break and say how sick hes been and things like that IF he looses... and i sure hope he does

  9. #9
    Panzerfaust's Avatar
    Panzerfaust is offline Ron Paul Nuthugger
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    Quote Originally Posted by orton4
    ur right muriloninja but what made me think of that was in an interview with dana white when he was commenting on Chucks "nyquil" interview.... when he was saying how run down chuck was and how he has been sick for awhile... ur right though he doesnt fight as much as wand does... i dunno if any one does... but it will be interesting to see if he does take a break and say how sick hes been and things like that IF he looses... and i sure hope he does

    Yeah, Dana mentioned that all the promoting and running around on top of having pnuemonia is what was killing Chuck.

    It really makes no difference to us what it was, its all on him if he loses.
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