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Thread: Boxing/Muay Tai and some jujitsu

  1. #1
    Rwy's Avatar
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    Boxing/Muay Tai and some jujitsu

    I am 35 and I have been on and off working out since 21. Up until about 18 moths ago I was 245 and probably 35-38% bf. I had lost a lot of weight and got back my solid frame and then leaned out pretty nicely.

    I started learning boxing about 4-5 months ago. Some chessey boxing classes at title which is a cardio class format more then learning skilled fighting. After about a month I started getting private lessons by a pro who teaches the classes for extra income and I really started getting into it.

    After a month of that I started going to real gyms with him and I have been learning different things. I am not looking to be come a fighter but its interesting me more then getting big and just lifting heavy. In fact since going hard and I guess from the constant delt burning out from throwing my hands for 60-90 minutes a day my lifts have suffered greatly.

    I also have noticed that I am burning muscle and I am done to 203. Which I am actually pretty happy with because my knees feel so much better and I feel overall a lot more athletic. Anyone have any advice for keeping the strength while boxing. Just for example I was always able to max out 105's on incline for about 6 on dumbbells but now I am lucky to hit 85's for 6-8.

  2. #2
    t-dogg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rwy
    I am 35 and I have been on and off working out since 21. Up until about 18 moths ago I was 245 and probably 35-38% bf. I had lost a lot of weight and got back my solid frame and then leaned out pretty nicely.

    I started learning boxing about 4-5 months ago. Some chessey boxing classes at title which is a cardio class format more then learning skilled fighting. After about a month I started getting private lessons by a pro who teaches the classes for extra income and I really started getting into it.

    After a month of that I started going to real gyms with him and I have been learning different things. I am not looking to be come a fighter but its interesting me more then getting big and just lifting heavy. In fact since going hard and I guess from the constant delt burning out from throwing my hands for 60-90 minutes a day my lifts have suffered greatly.

    I also have noticed that I am burning muscle and I am done to 203. Which I am actually pretty happy with because my knees feel so much better and I feel overall a lot more athletic. Anyone have any advice for keeping the strength while boxing. Just for example I was always able to max out 105's on incline for about 6 on dumbbells but now I am lucky to hit 85's for 6-8.
    It's a big trade off. Mma, boxing, Mauy Thai, bjj, ect are all more muscle endurance strength. It's a trade off. You just have to decide what you really want.

  3. #3
    Rwy's Avatar
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    My body feels better not holding all the weight. I like filling out a t shirt but its def a toss up.

    However in a years time it doesnt matter how big a guy is I will **** his shit up just kidding

  4. #4
    t-dogg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rwy
    My body feels better not holding all the weight. I like filling out a t shirt but its def a toss up.

    However in a years time it doesnt matter how big a guy is I will **** his shit up just kidding
    My peak stats went down on some things. Honestly for what your doing peak numbers mean nothing. It's the ability to do things over and over and not get tired. Big things to focus on are squats front, and rear, deadlifts, cleans, ect. Core lifts. The rest is just pretty boy stuff or bragging rights.
    btc89 likes this.

  5. #5
    PistolPete33's Avatar
    PistolPete33 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I've been training BJJ for about 4 years now and absolutely LOVE it. Lately I've been more focused on lifting and getting bigger but I def. see a difference with my BJJ being larger.

  6. #6
    Rwy's Avatar
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    My back is about the same. Chest and shoulder presses def have gone down. Legs because of my kness I dont go heavy anyway. Arms are the same.

  7. #7
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    Well cancelled NYSC today so I am all in now.

  8. #8
    Frank egg white's Avatar
    Frank egg white is offline Junior Member
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    Congrats on your weight loss...hard work pays off!

  9. #9
    LbforLb152 is offline New Member
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    Make sure you eat well and make sure you fully recovered from your boxing workouts. Both of those would impact you're strenght. Good luck and good job

  10. #10
    t-dogg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rwy
    My back is about the same. Chest and shoulder presses def have gone down. Legs because of my kness I dont go heavy anyway. Arms are the same.

    Also I would include snatches. Hiit training as well. Core strength is the key thing.

  11. #11
    Snaps57 is offline New Member
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    The trade-off between max strength and endurance only comes into play when people near the peak there body can achieve. Up until then you should be able to box and still get plenty stronger. Eat healthy and workout consistently.

  12. #12
    Rwy's Avatar
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    Its been a process trying to figure out the right amount of calories for lifting and my other training. I keep one day for all body and go as heavy as I can for 6-8 rep sets. Usually I do it on Fridays after all my mat and mit work is done for the week. I lift for about 30 minutes and do 45 minutes of either mat or mitt work afterwards the other four days.

    I have pulled both groins and had to stay limited to just boxing for about 6 weeks.I am probably going to start sparring soon. There are some weeks I need about 3 days to recovery from a 5 day work out. Overall though I am enjoying this life style much more then trying to get big.

  13. #13
    Stoptheslowdown's Avatar
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    i go and roll jitz once a week. Helps keep my back limber

  14. #14
    Snake-eye is offline New Member
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    I'm into the same thing. 38 years old. Lifting and fighting for twenty years. You can get stronger and still be in fighting shape. But the gains will come slow, and I usually don't gain any weight. Fighting shape means I do 4 sets of 12 reps. Maybe to failure. , maybe not. When I want to put on weight I almost cut the fighting to nil. And only go 75-80 percent. Change up to 5 sets of 5 and pig out.

    Trust me you can't fight hard and make big gains on your bench press. If you do, your cheating your bench, or cheating your fighting skills.

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