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  1. #1
    slowpain's Avatar
    slowpain is offline Associate Member
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    Oct 2004

    11 days out now do I need to drop HGH?

    ok I have been running 8ius of hgh a day and now am 11 days out, I just started taking IGF-1 LR3 at 60mcg a day and it seems to be keeping me nice and pumped, so can I drop the HGH totally or should I run 4IUs up to the comp. One guy I know who is a pro said just run the HGH up to the show cause it will keep yoiu full and pumped but there are others who say drop it out cause it makes yoiu bloat.

    I have just now droped the test prop and am running 100mg Tren , 100mg masteron , and 100mg winny every day and its making me so hard.

  2. #2
    MrMent1on is offline National Level Bodybuilder
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    Aug 2004
    Everyone is different. If this isnt an important show then experiment take the HGH striaght up til the show. Its a learning process. If its your first show then drop it. there is a chance that it MIGHT hold water. its all trial and error. but thats the only way your going to know what works and what doesn't.

  3. #3
    mwolffey's Avatar
    mwolffey is offline Anabolic Member
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    Dec 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by MrMent1on
    Everyone is different. If this isnt an important show then experiment take the HGH striaght up til the show. Its a learning process. If its your first show then drop it. there is a chance that it MIGHT hold water. its all trial and error. but thats the only way your going to know what works and what doesn't.
    ditto, i have talked to a couple guys that take it up to the day of the show, and they still come in very dry

  4. #4
    MIKE_XXL's Avatar
    MIKE_XXL is offline SCAMMER
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    Ontario, Canada
    Yes i would drop the GH right now...XXL

  5. #5
    slowpain's Avatar
    slowpain is offline Associate Member
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    Oct 2004
    Yea I think I will drop it just to see if I lose more water and keep the igf-1 LR3 at 60mcg a day. Now another question I have is how the hell am I going to do carb depletion down to 50g before my carb up when i am running IGF-1, isnt this going to be hell on my blood glucose levels. I get very low blood slugar as is at 200g of carbs a day cause thats what I have been running so far. you think maybe for those 3 days I should lower my dose of IGF-1 to 20mcg or maybe even stop for thos 3 days then start it back up when I carb load?

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