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  1. #1
    bobbyb is offline Junior Member
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    Oct 2003

    Need Help Bro's 1 St Show...please

    Hey bro's. my current stats are 6'2" 227 with 6-7 percent bodyfat. im pretty lean right now. this show is in 5 months and i will be 36 then. i dont have a camera yet but will soon to post some pics. my ? is what is recommended to use about 12-14 weeks out. my diet is fine no problems with that. what weight should i go in?? where should i be at weight wise being 6'2". 210-215?? can someone give me a breakdown of what i should be taking . thanks

  2. #2
    IBdmfkr's Avatar
    IBdmfkr is offline AR VET
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    Your questions are too broad bro and we know nothing about your or your cycle history/goals etc..
    What is your current diet and why are you so lean in the offseason? It's unnecessary and it's optimal for gaining LBM. Has to be a pretty restrictive diet.

    -B D

    [email protected]
    If asking cycle advice Post up Stats/previous cycle experience/goals!

    If asking diet advice Post Stats/current diet/goals!

    “Your desire to change must be greater than your desire to stay the same.”

    I B D
    AR VET

  3. #3
    bobbyb is offline Junior Member
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    Oct 2003
    well my diet is pretty clean. i eat 5 times per day chicken, lean beef, tuna. i keep same build for years but in the last year i've kicked out my training a bit. i want to do this local show but need some help. i take in 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight. im gonna start to take in 50-100 grams mor per day. and need to know what bro's usually take to get ready for a show. i got done a few months ago with a cycle of test p 100 and masteron . 600mg test per week and 400mg masteron per week for 16 weeks. i look pretty good. what do u recommend for my weight and height and i want to do that show. i want to try it. let me know. i was thinking maybe testp100,eq,and fina. what do u think about that??

  4. #4
    IBdmfkr's Avatar
    IBdmfkr is offline AR VET
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    The show being 5months off you have plenty of time.. you possibly stay too lean year round to make adequate gains. To stay at 6% in the offseason means you're eating at or right above maintenance so don't expect a lot of growth.

    If I had a show in 5months I'd bulk naturally for 2months with high calories and try and bring up any lagging bodyparts, then 12wks out from show start reducing calories etc.. Probably start anabolics 6wks from show when you'll really need to stay anabolic to strip away bodyfat.

  5. #5
    Uconish is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by I**mfkr
    The show being 5months off you have plenty of time.. you possibly stay too lean year round to make adequate gains. To stay at 6% in the offseason means you're eating at or right above maintenance so don't expect a lot of growth.

    If I had a show in 5months I'd bulk naturally for 2months with high calories and try and bring up any lagging bodyparts, then 12wks out from show start reducing calories etc.. Probably start anabolics 6wks from show when you'll really need to stay anabolic to strip away bodyfat.
    Im curious, if you start your anabolics 6 weeks from the show, do you still drop your oils at 2 weeks out?

  6. #6
    IBdmfkr's Avatar
    IBdmfkr is offline AR VET
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    Me personally? No.. others will say yes.. I taper dosages 2wks from show and run them up until the friday before.. then again it also depends on what compounds you're running..
    I keep it simple and low dosages. the goal is to stay anabolic and hold LBM not to gain muscle, so higher dosages aren't needed as many think. It is very difficult to put on muscle when you're calorie deficient. BCAA's will be your best friend.
    -B D

    [email protected]
    If asking cycle advice Post up Stats/previous cycle experience/goals!

    If asking diet advice Post Stats/current diet/goals!

    “Your desire to change must be greater than your desire to stay the same.”

    I B D
    AR VET

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    the gym
    Quote Originally Posted by I**mfkr
    The show being 5months off you have plenty of time.. you possibly stay too lean year round to make adequate gains. To stay at 6% in the offseason means you're eating at or right above maintenance so don't expect a lot of growth.

    If I had a show in 5months I'd bulk naturally for 2months with high calories and try and bring up any lagging bodyparts, then 12wks out from show start reducing calories etc.. Probably start anabolics 6wks from show when you'll really need to stay anabolic to strip away bodyfat.

    agreed, 5 months out is plenty of time, and if your 6% now starting to lean up for a show at this point would be more detrimental than anything, I'd try to put on more size, then 10-12 wks away start the diet. As far as what to use, sdome good choices for a competition cycle include, winstrol , prop, tren , anavar , masteron , EQ, primobolan , clenbuterol ,halotestin , IGF-1, T-3.

  8. #8
    MrMent1on is offline National Level Bodybuilder
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    Aug 2004
    Bulk naturally now with high clean calories about 1000 above your caloric need, start dieting about 12 weeks out with a cycle of some of the above compounds. drop all oils 2 weeks out. I say 2 weeks out because it sounds like this is your first show and you do not know how your body is going to respond. if the compound you are taking just before the show is water base, ie. suspension and/or winny, then you may take it up to the show.

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