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  1. #1
    Tbone1975 is offline Member
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    Apr 2006

    question about how bbs are judged

    Guys, girls, whomever, this is not a joke. K, I was watching a reality show type program a couple years ago in which the star was training for a bodybuilding comp. I must confess, I was not impressed with how the bodybuilding, and winning/losing aspect seemed to be the sole aspect of his life. It appeared that he had nothing else, no interest in girls, having fun, etc. He was a "meathead." Don't get me wrong, bodybuilding is awesome, I may very well someday compete. Anyways though, this guy was at or fairly close to competition shape. I believe when he finally competed, he came in 3rd or 4th. Afterwords, he was outside in the hallway sulking, when one of the judges came out and made a comment. I was in shock when I heard this. He said something very close to, "If only we could do something about your ugly face." I swear to God, the judge said that to this guy. I couldn't believe it. The judges don't take into account how handsome or ugly you might be while judging your muscularity do they? That sounds stupid. I dunno how the guy had the nerve to say that. Further more, I dunno how the bodybuilder just sat there and took it. What does anyone know of this?

  2. #2
    PROTEINSHAKE is offline Protein Power
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    Feb 2006
    4,938 can get all the details as to how they get judges at I hope they dont judge by looks...I'll never win!

  3. #3
    Tbone1975 is offline Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by getnjakked can get all the details as to how they get judges at I hope they dont judge by looks...I'll never win!

    What's the abbreviation I'm looking for, I hardly ever use em accept for LOL. Is it LMFAO, LOL?!?! Sh*t you're funny Jakked. Thanks for that info. If I could have had my way, if I was that guy, I'd a bashed that judges face LOL, then been like, "who's uglier now," LMFAO! Okydoky, let's see if I can find anything. Obviously any posts on my thread are welcome! Later Jakked, I'm out for a while.

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