
Im told 6 days a week is alot for a guy thats not a pro... but to be honest i feel like its not enough. i work..

chest/triceps day 1
back/biceps /calves day 2
shoulders/traps/legs/forearms day 3

i do that for 6 days so 2 sessions a week per group than rest a day

i grow and all that but it it unorthedox , i been reading tht alot of pros rest each muscle group at east 4 days so am i killing more potential

I only tried roids twice in my life this year when i was bulking i did dbol "oral" 8 weeks 50mg ed and everything went smoothly and im currently on oral winstrol 50 mg ed for 6 weeks i took and am still taking milk thysil and plan on rinning 20 mged of nolvadex pct

11.7 percent body fat according to caliper
Neck 19
arms 18 3/4
legs 28
waist 37
chest 52