Hi I'm a female competitive bodybuilder, Asian 5'1" 119.75lbs (current weight w/ clothes on).. Im very much interested now in Primobolan , after fireguy suggested it, i have read quite a lot about this stuff and it seems this is really what i need considering that i am very much concerned with the acne side effects caused by other AAs. I have read also about masteron and compared the 2 base on gains, effects and sides and primo comes out much more favorable to me.

I have 12 weeks to prepare for a contest, this contest really is going to be like my warm-up contest for this year but still i want to come out impressively, im not new to AAs though, i had experienced w/ some of the AAs and some example for these are deca and stanozolol (for injectable). I had pretty good results with them except for the acne after the cycle . Now, i wanted something that could eliminate the sides i have previously experienced and it really seems Primobolan so far is interesting based on what i have read.

I would like some informations on how to properly cycle primo and when exactly is the right time for me to do it considering i have 12 weeks (starting nxt week) to prepare. I have read that in order to see positive effects i need at least 100mg eod (or 3x a week), should i start right away on my first week? Besides primo, i am currently on anavar (started w/ 10mg 1 week on already), ECA and T3. Nxt week i will replace ECA w/ clen for 2 weeks +T3.

Please i need expert advice on primo... thank you in advance!!