Hey guys...

I am trying to do some research and gather opinions or recommendations as to finding a trainer.

What I mean is that I would be interested in finding a REAL DEAL trainer and nutritionist who will be able to get me to the next level. I know that I am able to make some great changes to my body... I just need help from someone who has tons of experience and the knowledge. I can be testing and trialing all my life and still not find what some of these guys know. I am 27 years old... made decent progress naturally... I want to go much further than this. I want to be 250@8%... I know I can do this... just show me how.

How should I be going about it? Where to call... who to ask for and everything else. I understand that it will be costly... I will figure it out when I find that guy.

Anything that will point me in the right direction is appreciated.

Thanks bros.