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  1. #1
    RoNNy THe BuLL's Avatar
    RoNNy THe BuLL is offline Anabolic Member
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    Thumbs up Just Registered For My First Competition

    What's up guys,

    I just registered for my first bodybuilding-related competition. I have nowhere near the size or genetics to be a Pro-Bodybuilder, BUT, I entered in a Fitness Model Challenge. Yep, sounds gay but I have the genetic make up for it.

    It's not until the end of May, so I have plenty of time to get into gear for it. I've been blessed with small joints so I'm hoping to carry on a little extra muscle mass and come in at around the 180lbs mark with around 6-8% bodyfat. Right now I'm at 208lbs with around 15% BF and a 32" waist. The smallest I've ever gotten it was 29.5" with 17" arms and 25" Quads. Looks can be very deceiving, which is the look they're going for.

    I have a diet and "supplements" outlined, but I'll post them tomorrow.

  2. #2
    RoNNy THe BuLL's Avatar
    RoNNy THe BuLL is offline Anabolic Member
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    **** it, I'll post my **** up now.

    Weeks 1-16 - 1g Cypionate
    Weeks 2-8 - 50mg Winny ED
    Weeks 2-8 - 50mg Fina ED
    Weeks 12 - 18 - 50mg Winny ED
    Weeks 12 - 18 - 50mg Fina ED

    Weeks 1-2 - Clen
    Weeks 3-6 - T3 (MAX .75mcg)
    Weeks 6-8 - Clen
    Weeks 8-13 - ECA
    Weeks 14-17 - T3 (MAX .5mcg)
    Weeks 18-20 - Clen
    Weeks 20+ - ECA

    Looks retarded, but it works for me. I dieted with 750mg of Test before and I looked more shredded then ever. Genetics I'm assuming.

  3. #3
    RoNNy THe BuLL's Avatar
    RoNNy THe BuLL is offline Anabolic Member
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    The first 2 weeks I don't consider part of any cycle, especially with Test. They're just the "frontload".

    Starting from weeks 2-8, I'll have the Winny/Fina/Cypionate combo and my diet will be:

    Day 1
    300g Protein
    300g Carb
    50g Fat

    Day 2-5
    300g Protein
    100g Carb
    50g Fat

    REPEAT from Day 1

    My goal in the first 8 weeks is to drop as much BF as possible. Using the bounceback from the T3, I'll be using it as a small bulk period where I'll up my carbs and keep them at:

    300g Protein
    300g Carb
    50g Fat

    UNTIL I start the Fina/Winny/Cyp combo again. Then I'll run the first breakdown and cut out what I need when I get closer to the Fitness Expo.

    Any experience or suggestions are more then welcome. I want to come in "Healthy" looking but with a ripped Serratus. Haha...

  4. #4
    Shredz is offline Respected Member
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    I think I know what show you are doing there big guy!!! Good luck and keep us posted on your progress.

  5. #5
    RoNNy THe BuLL's Avatar
    RoNNy THe BuLL is offline Anabolic Member
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    I'm really concerned with the diet and T3. The reason behind keeping my carbs up a good amount is I find I lose too much muscle when I go below 100g Carbs a day. I find carb-loading/shifting works wonders for me when it comes to filling out and keeping muscle.

    But depending on how things go, I'll be adjusting the diet accordingly. I really want to come in dry and hard, but when talking to some advisors of the contest I was told NOT to come in ripped to the bone, but to come in healthy looking and proportionate to genetic frame and skeletal structure, which isn't a primary problem.

    Anybody have any experiences with OTC Diuretics.

    OH, and I'm keeping which Competition it is a secret because it's a random drug tested event, but 90% of the athletes are on ****in' drugs. I don't want any attention drawn to myself, but I'm confident I'll finish in a very good spot. Don't ask why, I just have a 'hunch' I will.

    Any suggestions with specifics in diet breakdown towards the end of a cycle?

  6. #6
    Shredz is offline Respected Member
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    I have seen what the guys are looking like in these shows and they come in pretty lean. To give you an idea of what they look like, well they look like a bodybuilder who hasn't dropped his water.

    As for the dieting. For the first month or so of dieting since you have what 5 months. I wouldn't take in a high carb day every for days. I would go every 7 days. This will spead up your BF loss at the beginning. And then when you are about 2 months out try the carb up every 4 days to help keep your fullness.

    Also remember that your increase of 300 gms of carbs on those days still has to be low glycemic carbs.

    Is there a reason why you are taking a break from the winny and fina in the middle of your cycle???

    Other then that things look pretty good.

  7. #7
    RoNNy THe BuLL's Avatar
    RoNNy THe BuLL is offline Anabolic Member
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    Thanks for the reply Shredz,

    I'm taking a break from the Winny and Fina in my mid cycle because both are pretty hard on the kidney and liver, as well as the cost issue. I've already spent enough on the cycle as is.

    I've kind of "cycled" my cycle.

    Phase 1 is Cutting
    Phase 2 uses the bounceback from the T3 to add some muscle mass and re-shape a few things
    Phase 3 is Cutting again leading up to the contest

    So it goes Cut, Mass, Cut.

    Looking back, I should've chose EQ, a low Test and maybe some Prop, but this is good enough for me. I react very well to Testosterone . I find with basic test, your body shows what you feed it. And I do know about the Low GI carbs.

    I know a few guys who competed, and they look good. We pretty much have the same structure (broad shoulders, small waist and an athletic look as well as small joints). Apparently the scoop is they're looking for photogenic people who fit a certain look. That's the only way you'll bring in contracts. But lately, I've been asked if I do Fitness modelling at my gym. Some idiot even thought she saw me in Fitness RX. When I said no, she tried to convince ME that I was. Hoooly jabeesuz.

  8. #8
    MIKE_XXL's Avatar
    MIKE_XXL is offline SCAMMER
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    Good luck Bro, i will see you there as i always hang out there in my sponsors booth, we'll have to say hello, i will hit you up with a PM before the show, and you can come up by the booth and say hello...if you like anyway, ask shredz i am a nice guy, really... if you need any help let me know...peace...XXL

  9. #9
    RoNNy THe BuLL's Avatar
    RoNNy THe BuLL is offline Anabolic Member
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    I may have to take you up on that Mike. PM me what booth you're going to be at and if it's the same Event I'm talking about? I'd be interested in meeting you and roughing you up Lil' Man...

  10. #10
    Rsox1 is offline Associate Member
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    ick your gay, j/k good luck hope everything works out for you the fitness dudes get lots of play so do it to it

  11. #11
    pumpseeker's Avatar
    pumpseeker is offline Senior Member
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    Good luck bro. I've seen your pics, you already have some real nice size. That cycle should get you looking awesome as long as the diet is strict and the training is hard. I'll be looking forward to seeing those pre-contest pics!

  12. #12
    Shredz is offline Respected Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by MIKE_XXL
    ask shredz i am a nice guy, really...
    Stay away from him Ronny...STAY FAR AWAY!! He is nothing but trouble.

  13. #13
    MIKE_XXL's Avatar
    MIKE_XXL is offline SCAMMER
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shredz
    Stay away from him Ronny...STAY FAR AWAY!! He is nothing but trouble.
    you funny guy!!!

  14. #14
    RoNNy THe BuLL's Avatar
    RoNNy THe BuLL is offline Anabolic Member
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    Shredz, I says we hook up in a month or two and train bro. Then you can tell me your tall tails of Mike XXL!

  15. #15
    bigol'legs's Avatar
    bigol'legs is offline Quadzilla
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    Cool Ronny.. is this a $$ event? Good luck bro.

  16. #16
    RoNNy THe BuLL's Avatar
    RoNNy THe BuLL is offline Anabolic Member
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    I know the winner gets a good amount of prizes, but not too sure on money being one of them. I'm doing it for the girlies. That's about it.

  17. #17
    Shredz is offline Respected Member
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    Do you have the time???? It is a long story!!

    Quote Originally Posted by RoNNy THe BuLL
    Shredz, I says we hook up in a month or two and train bro. Then you can tell me your tall tails of Mike XXL!

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