Hi All,

As a quick overview of my current diet, I get in around 150g carbs on training days (4x a week), 50g on 2 of my non-training days and the other non training day is a carb-up, doubling the intake to 300g (Sundays).

I have to be honest - I haven't had a cheat meal in around 2 years and this has been quite taxing on my mind. I read up everywhere on the psychological benefits and would like to start incorporating a cheat meal. At the same time I feel that this may conflict with the carb up in the sense that I am not sure if I should have both. I am also not to sure if the carb up is THAT neccessary as on some weeks where I have skipped it I have not noticed a significant effect on energy levels, and the carb levels are nowhere near ketosis-inducing amounts.

Do you guys think I should just ditch the carb up, keep it clean during the week and have a nice, guilt-free cheat meal on Sundays? Also to those who have incorporated cheat meals, how have you managed to make it 'guilt free'? I fear I may have conscious issues due to a long drought period without a cheat