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  1. #1
    huhexxer is offline New Member
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    Newbie with question on weight loss

    Ok, lets kick this off with a brief explanation. I am a 5'7" 40 year old that at one time weighed 307lbs. I went down to 170 and now am back to 230.

    Ok between all this a divorce, loss of job and other pity party bulssh*t happened and now I am back to wanting to take it all off again.

    Question, where do I start? I lost it all last time with Atkins (read NO CARBS), but don't want to go that route unless it is the only alternative. I am willing to put in the gym work (cardio and weight training) was just wondering, what supplement is recommended to help me start. I am looking for dramatic loss in about 3 months. 41st is in jan

    I read through the psots and really didn't come up with an answer, so I decided to make my first post and question, ont hat you can all flame me with.

    So that being said, any thoughts? How do I get this fu*king fat off of me?

  2. #2
    slizzut's Avatar
    slizzut is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by huhexxer
    Ok, lets kick this off with a brief explanation. I am a 5'7" 40 year old that at one time weighed 307lbs. I went down to 170 and now am back to 230.

    Ok between all this a divorce, loss of job and other pity party bulssh*t happened and now I am back to wanting to take it all off again.

    Question, where do I start? I lost it all last time with Atkins (read NO CARBS), but don't want to go that route unless it is the only alternative. I am willing to put in the gym work (cardio and weight training) was just wondering, what supplement is recommended to help me start. I am looking for dramatic loss in about 3 months. 41st is in jan

    I read through the psots and really didn't come up with an answer, so I decided to make my first post and question, ont hat you can all flame me with.

    So that being said, any thoughts? How do I get this fu*king fat off of me?

    Well step 1 is to make sure you have a completely solid diet.
    Step 2 would be to make sure you're doing cardio 5-7 times a week in the mornin on empty stomach.
    step 3 get your split workout routine in order
    then once thats all set and you have stuck to it for a few weeks you can start thinking about supplement use. There is no magic pill to lose weight, diet and cardio are the 2 most important aspects.

  3. #3
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    Yes, diet and cardio definitely have to be solidified first.


  4. #4
    huhexxer is offline New Member
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    Sep 2004

    Thanks for reply

    So as far as diet. I ha ve been looking at the whole body for life thing to start off with. is this recommend or can you point me in the right direction?

    thanks for helping this newbie out

  5. #5
    huhexxer is offline New Member
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    Sep 2004

    Thanks for reply

    So as far as diet. I ha ve been looking at the whole body for life thing to start off with. is this recommend or can you point me in the right direction?

    thanks for helping this newbie out

  6. #6
    OSTIE's Avatar
    OSTIE is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by huhexxer
    So as far as diet. I ha ve been looking at the whole body for life thing to start off with. is this recommend or can you point me in the right direction?

    thanks for helping this newbie out
    Not sure what you mean by the "whole body for life thing". You should start with reading the stickies and coming up with a diet for everyone to critique. Cardio is pretty self explanatory and is pretty much the same for everyone. If you are unsure of what kind of cardio, it is also posted in the sticky ( They are at the top of the page with "IMPORTANT" before them ).

    Give it a serious try for 2-3 weeks and it really isnt even this whole new change. You will grow into it and wont even remember what it was like to eat 3meals a day, etc.

    Good Luck,


  7. #7
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    OMG, whatever you do, do NOT do BODY FOR LIFE!

    It's actually a Body for Sh*t.


  8. #8
    angelxterminator's Avatar
    angelxterminator is offline Senior Member
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    kind of like the "slim fast" approach. One of the big ingredients in that sh*t is wood pulp, so it boggles me why anybody would want to drink it!!!

    read the cutting sticky man, and come back for critique. Theres plenty of bros here in the diet forum that will help you in a much better way than that crap BFL sh*t!

  9. #9
    Panzerfaust's Avatar
    Panzerfaust is offline Ron Paul Nuthugger
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    I am pissed off at you guys, whats wrong with BFL huh?

    I have proof that this is a sound program:

  10. #10
    Badmofo's Avatar
    Badmofo is offline New Member
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    first glance

    Quote Originally Posted by muriloninja
    I am pissed off at you guys, whats wrong with BFL huh?

    I have proof that this is a sound program:

    At first glance it looked like all those peoples faces were pasted on those bodies using photo shop or something but i actually know that Joe Okabe guy he works at a car dealership. The first time i seen him he was seriously obese then like a few months laters he looked real lean. Wow small world. Oh and by the way im not saying that its a good product or not jus saying i thought the pics were fake at first.

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