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  1. #1
    scrapakilla is offline Associate Member
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    Sep 2003

    diet alternitives

    Hey wuts up ive been doing the diet from the cutting sticky ad follwing it pretty strictly and it wokrks pretty well. I have a few questions about it that diet is based on the 6 meals a day high protein and low fats high in efas. My only question is is there any theorys that 3 meals a day works better. For example 3 meals with the equivelent of all these nutients by them taking at the right times. Otherwise is there ever been reason to think that 4 meals is a better alternitive. Because i understand how food absorbs and it is possible to eat every 2 hours or so but the 6 meal a day is just a theory for a body building diet. Just like the atkins if for losing weight, although some may not think its a good diet it is still followed by some. so do any bodybuilders advocate or believe in eating under 6 meals. Or is the standard to eat 6 or more for bodybuilding purposes and if anyone knows give some examples, thanks alot

  2. #2
    niXon)('s Avatar
    niXon)( is offline Member
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    So Cal
    6 or so meals a day is for bbders. to keep the protein flowin and the metabolizm goin. also, if you are eating clean it is hard to get enough protein and calories squished into 3 meals a day without puking and mixing fats with carbs...

  3. #3
    scrapakilla is offline Associate Member
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    Sep 2003
    well would it be ok to have like 4 meals or possibly 5 as long as everyting is being eatin at the right times such as for like pwo nutriton. Then your other meals can just be larger then usual but not over done ont he carbs or fats

  4. #4
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    You can only absorb/utilize so much at once w/out the excess being stored as adipose tissue or excreted, neither of which help to sculpt a physique.


  5. #5
    Boost n Juice's Avatar
    Boost n Juice is offline Associate Member
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    Jul 2004
    Short and sweet: The atkins, zone diet and the south beach recommend eating 6 meals a day...

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