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  1. #1
    RONINASAUNA is offline Associate Member
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    Dec 2004

    "Cutting" lbs vs "Bulking" lbs question?

    While for the most part everyone universally agrees that a natural bodybuilder when trying to lose bodyfat on a calorie restricted type diet should lose no more than 1-2 lbs of weight per week in order to prevent muscle loss, I have not come across a figure for the amount of weight a "natural" bodybuilder should look to add each week without gaining fat.

    While I am sure that "it's different for everyone" applies to some degree, there must be a "standard" figure of weight or some type of calculation when trying to add LBM that should be followed as to not add fat when on a higher than maintenance diet.

    Any ideas or suggestions, I couldn't find anything doing a search other than the "more is better" which if I followed would result in a ton of fat gain.


  2. #2
    chuck89gt5.0's Avatar
    chuck89gt5.0 is offline Senior Member
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    Dec 2003
    Naturally if you would gain lean body mass in a week it prolly wouldnt even register on a scale after only a week. For someone who has been lifting for quite some time and is no newbie to lifting I would say 10-15lbs in a year is possible with PERFECT diet and lifting program. You can do the math on what that would be a week prolly not a whole lot. It comes out to about a half lb per week.

  3. #3
    RONINASAUNA is offline Associate Member
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    Dec 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by chuck89gt5.0
    Naturally if you would gain lean body mass in a week it prolly wouldnt even register on a scale after only a week. For someone who has been lifting for quite some time and is no newbie to lifting I would say 10-15lbs in a year is possible with PERFECT diet and lifting program. You can do the math on what that would be a week prolly not a whole lot. It comes out to about a half lb per week.

    thx, just wanted to get some idea of what would be a "natural" limit as I would not want to have too high expectations.

    Thanks much

  4. #4
    Deezuhl is offline Anabolic Member
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    Jun 2004
    I pretty curious to know if it possible for me to weigh the same exact amount in which i started my cycle and diet 9 weeks and still have cut my body fat and gained lean muscle. My strength gains are thru the roof so all i can do is assume i am gaining muscle and cutting fat at the same time. also, I was thinking maybe i am retaining a lot of water too. my sodium levels are high and enanthate i think makes you retain water. hope i didnt jack your thread. its kind of the same topic. thanks

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