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  1. #1
    baba_021 is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    May 2004

    what about fruits?

    I have a couple of questons regarding insulins spikes!

    1. How has the carbs in fruits affect on the insulin ? should I refrain from fruits when on a cutting fase? and what fruits are the worst ones?

    2. How about Aspartam and acesulfam, does them affect the insulin in any way?

    I wanted to know because I use alot of products that contains sweets but no carbs!


  2. #2
    xenithon is offline Member
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    South Africa
    In terms of the artificial sweeteners: they have virtually no impact and you can use them without worry. However I would try and switch to something containing sucralose as that I believe is the safest (in the US/UK it's sold as Splenda)

    In terms of fruit: all I will say is that the benefits outweight any possible negatives for MOST fruit, but unfortunately there is a board norm here that brands all fruit as satan's work

    They have so many good nutrients, are often 90+% water and have a very low GI. The only time they may have a negative impact is if you have a kilo of high GI fruit on an empty stomach with nothing else. However if you are 'normal' and want a small piece of fruit 2-3 times a day along with some other food then it's fine and very healthy.

    There are no real 'worst' fruit, but in terms of GI the ones I would opt NOT to go for are pineapple, watermelon and grapes.


  3. #3
    baba_021 is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    May 2004
    ohh nice info im very thankful bro! you seem to know your ****!


  4. #4
    xenithon is offline Member
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    Sep 2001
    South Africa
    No probs. I won't say I am an expert but I have learnt a thing or two over the past 5-6 years. I just hope I don't get flamed again for going against board norms and saying that fruit is ok lol

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