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  1. #1
    Machin3 is offline Associate Member
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    Jan 2005

    Life changing event

    Well ok to make things short my dad passed awaya and ive been in a ditch......I cant eat properly....Seems my diet sucks i used to be solid.... Ive lost 20 lbs in about a week and a half....Idk it seems like im driving my self to edge....

    I have no drive to lift or anything

    My doctor gave me some antideppresants and its helping but i need to start over......

    Current weight is 200 and maybe 18 Bf.... Used to be 13's

    Supplements.......Muscle milk
    and I drink slim fast MRP-love the taste
    Multi vitamins
    On side Vitamins C, E, B complex, and calcium

    Im going to start running as soon as I wake up so around 6 on an empty stomch

    45 minutes of cardio 3-4-5? days a week ???Advice plz


    breakfast-4 eggs scrambled
    5 sausages (might need to cut them out there the breakfast sausages)

    through out the day i plan on eating chicken breast, tuna, snack on peanuts

    If someone could maybe write me out a solid diet I would Appreciate it a lot....

    Thanks guys


  2. #2
    slizzut's Avatar
    slizzut is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Machin3
    Well ok to make things short my dad passed awaya and ive been in a ditch......I cant eat properly....Seems my diet sucks i used to be solid.... Ive lost 20 lbs in about a week and a half....Idk it seems like im driving my self to edge....

    I have no drive to lift or anything

    My doctor gave me some antideppresants and its helping but i need to start over......

    Current weight is 200 and maybe 18 Bf.... Used to be 13's

    Supplements.......Muscle milk
    and I drink slim fast MRP-love the taste
    Multi vitamins
    On side Vitamins C, E, B complex, and calcium

    Im going to start running as soon as I wake up so around 6 on an empty stomch

    45 minutes of cardio 3-4-5? days a week ???Advice plz


    breakfast-4 eggs scrambled
    5 sausages (might need to cut them out there the breakfast sausages)

    through out the day i plan on eating chicken breast, tuna, snack on peanuts

    If someone could maybe write me out a solid diet I would Appreciate it a lot....

    Thanks guys


    Hey man. I'm really sorry about your loss, I can't imagine what that must have been like. However its good that you are taking hold of your own life and taking care of your body. There is a cutting sticky on the top of the diet forum and I also did a cutting diet write up here:

    If you have any further questions, don't be afraid to ask. Best of luck to you.

  3. #3
    Diesel's Avatar
    Diesel is offline Anabolic Member
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    Sorry for your loss bro.

  4. #4
    Machin3 is offline Associate Member
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    Jan 2005
    Thanks guys its killing me inside im 19 and I had to change so many things because of this and lifting was a passion of mine which now i struggle to back to....I have to be strong and get stronger........I just honestly dont know what do

  5. #5
    Juggernaut's Avatar
    Juggernaut is offline AR Jester
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    You're doing foot in front of the other. Get up and move. Sorry for your loss bro.

  6. #6
    Diesel's Avatar
    Diesel is offline Anabolic Member
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    I can't even imagine.

    Force yourself into the gym that first day. If you do a whole workout, great. If not, that's great to.

    For me the gym is a sanctuary. The outside world does not exist when I am there. Some people go to church. Some to see shrinks. I go to the gym. When I leave things are much clearer in my mind.

    Maybe you will find it to be the same for you? But you have to force yourself in that first day. The first day back will be the hardest.

  7. #7
    Machin3 is offline Associate Member
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    Jan 2005
    Yea The longest i was in the gym was for about 30 minutes this week...Then i started to tear...

    Very hard for me to get back into it...

    Devoted 7 long months to educating myself on lifting and im afraid Ill lose it all

  8. #8
    HiFi's Avatar
    HiFi is offline Associate Member
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    sorry to hear about your loss. but i think that our loved ones would want us to continue with our lives an set goals and make accomplishments and in general just be happy with life. people accomplish an overcome far more than the mind lets them believe. your posting here is good, shows you want to start getting back to one thing you enjoy, lifting. stick to it, and read the forums everyday, the more i read the more determined i get.

    i highly suggest morning cardio 3-5 times a week on an empty stomach at 75% your max heart rate. eat 6 meals a day.. check that cutting sticky like everyone said. also use - plug in your foods an see if you are getting the right ratios 50% pro -- 30% fat -- 20% carbs

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