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Thread: Diet in check?

  1. #1
    cal565 is offline Junior Member
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    Diet in check?

    Ok Im 23 im about 6'0 and weigh about 210. I have no clue what my bodyfat is but I would say its close to 20%. Im planning on doing a cutting cycle within the next couple of months consisting of Prop and Var. Before I start I wanted to get my bodyfat down to at least 15% so this is what Im thinking for my diet. Im doing cardio on an empty stomach in the morning for 45 min 5 days a week and then:

    Meal 1 8 egg whites 1 yolk
    1/2 cup oatmeal

    Meal 2 Protein bar (40 g protein, 0 carbs, 18 fat)

    Meal 3 Grilled chicken salad with full fat ranch dressing

    PWO Shake containing 36g Protein, and 75g dextrose

    PPWO Can of Tuna
    1/4 cup (dry) brown rice

    Meal 6 8oz lean beef
    Green Vegie
    (Should I add some Flax here?)

    Any coments and help would greatly be appreciated. When I start my Prop/Var cycle should I change this diet any or should I just keep it the same?

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  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by cal565
    Ok Im 23 im about 6'0 and weigh about 210. I have no clue what my bodyfat is but I would say its close to 20%. Im planning on doing a cutting cycle within the next couple of months consisting of Prop and Var. Before I start I wanted to get my bodyfat down to at least 15% so this is what Im thinking for my diet. Im doing cardio on an empty stomach in the morning for 45 min 5 days a week and then:

    Meal 1 8 egg whites 1 yolk
    1/2 cup oatmeal

    Ditch the yolk.....add more whites

    Meal 2 Protein bar (40 g protein, 0 carbs, 18 fat)
    Protein bars are a horrible choice.... use a shake w/ almonds instead.

    Meal 3 Grilled chicken salad with full fat ranch dressing

    PWO Shake containing 36g Protein, and 75g dextrose

    PPWO Can of Tuna
    1/4 cup (dry) brown rice

    Meal 6 8oz lean beef
    Green Vegie
    (Should I add some Flax here?)
    Add enough flax to cover whatever fat your lean beef doesn't have. So if you are shooting for 20g of fat per meal, if your beef doesn't equal that ammount add the correct ammount of flax to cover it.

    Any coments and help would greatly be appreciated. When I start my Prop/Var cycle should I change this diet any or should I just keep it the same?

    Overall the diet looks those minor changes and you should be set. You might want to try and get in another meal though...... if my math is correct you are only eating around 2000 calories or so.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by LeanMeOut
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    Overall the diet looks those minor changes and you should be set. You might want to try and get in another meal though...... if my math is correct you are only eating around 2000 calories or so.

    I agree with LMO, definetly up the calories a little bit and hes got you covered with that diet critique.

  5. #5
    EatRite's Avatar
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    Meal 1 8 egg whites 1 yolk
    1/2 cup oatmeal

    Meal 2 Protein bar (40 g protein, 0 carbs, 18 fat)

    Meal 3 Grilled chicken salad with full fat ranch dressing

    PWO Shake containing 36g Protein, and 75g dextrose

    PPWO Can of Tuna
    1/4 cup (dry) brown rice

    Meal 6 8oz lean beef
    Green Vegie
    (Should I add some Flax here?)


    ur eating too much protein... u need ALL of the macronutrients in ur diet... dont neglect carbs and fats man... heres what i would reco...

    you need to eat more fruit and veggies... decrease your protein intake about 10-15 g per meal and increase your fruit intake about 3 peices... and also eat a serving of veggies with every meal but breakfast... you need the antioxidants and phytochemicals in the fruits and veggies, when dieting, you need to prevent muscular waste... antioxidants can help do this... also, ify ou dont eat more carbs (LOW G.I. CARBS ARE KEY) then you will break down tons of muscle... your nervous system and pretty much all of the muscles in your body that operate independant of your consciousness operate off of glucose alone... if you do not eat enough sugar, your body will have to break down protein fibers in order to turn certain amino's into glucose to produce readily usable energy for those cells... eat fruits and whole grains... but cut them completely out of ur diet the last two meals of the day... u should get all ur carbs in the first four meals of the day... stop eating carbs 4 hrs before bed... get a book that lists glycemic indexes and eat carbs which are below 60 on the g.i. table... if you do not know what the g.i. is ask me and i'll explain it...

  6. #6
    EatRite's Avatar
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    cut down the dextrose postworkout to 50 g as well... 75 is a lot man... 50 is almost too much...

  7. #7
    Blown_SC is offline Retired Vet
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    Bro, LMO has you all set-up... trust his, and Slizzut's judgement..

    Quote Originally Posted by EatRite
    cut down the dextrose postworkout to 50 g as well... 75 is a lot man... 50 is almost too much...
    Sorry bro, but IMO that's bad advice..... 2:1 ratio is best. Anywhere from 75-90g of dex, and 40-45g of protein...
    Last edited by Blown_SC; 02-13-2005 at 12:07 AM.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blown_SC
    Bro, LMO has you all set-up... trust his, and Slizzut's judgement..

    Sorry bro, but IMO that's bad advice..... 2:1 ratio is best. Anywhere from 75-90g of dex, and 40-45g of protein...
    I have to agree here.
    And how can you tell someone they're eating too much protien? lol

  9. #9
    EatRite's Avatar
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    45 g is a lot per meal when ur cutting down... anything over 25 is wasted and just turend to fat when you arent pushing your muscles to the physical max...

    do the math... thats 270 g a day... at 210 lbs u should eat about 200 to 230 cutting down... in my oppinion... but then again... i haven't juiced...

  10. #10
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    i'm basing my judgements on non juice diets... i lean down to about 4 to 5 % bf in about 4 weeks max... naturally... and i cut protein intake a decent amount... from about 250 to 300 g a day to about 150 -170 max, but add in some BCAA's with the pre-postworkout meal and before bed... all the extra calories are just turned to fat... any dietician will tell you that...

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by EatRite
    45 g is a lot per meal when ur cutting down... anything over 25 is wasted and just turend to fat when you arent pushing your muscles to the physical max...

    do the math... thats 270 g a day... at 210 lbs u should eat about 200 to 230 cutting down... in my oppinion... but then again... i haven't juiced...
    Actually IMO protien intake should be increased while cutting so you don't lose as much mass from cutting calories.

  12. #12
    Blown_SC is offline Retired Vet
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    Quote Originally Posted by EatRite
    45 g is a lot per meal when ur cutting down... anything over 25 is wasted and just turend to fat when you arent pushing your muscles to the physical max...
    do the math... thats 270 g a day... at 210 lbs u should eat about 200 to 230 cutting down... in my oppinion... but then again... i haven't juiced...
    Wrong. You can eat 45g without having it turned to fat. And I've done more math in my lifetime than I'd like to discuss...

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by EatRite
    45 g is a lot per meal when ur cutting down... anything over 25 is wasted and just turend to fat when you arent pushing your muscles to the physical max...

    do the math... thats 270 g a day... at 210 lbs u should eat about 200 to 230 cutting down... in my oppinion... but then again... i haven't juiced...

    Not even going to get into this.

  14. #14
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    What's jucing have to do with anything? Diets generally aren't changed because of juice bro.

  15. #15
    EatRite's Avatar
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    protein doesnt prevent muscular waste like people think... glucose does... the reason you break down protein is to get the amino's from it that can be turned into glucose... your nervous system operates off of glucose alone as well as all involuntary muscles... so if you want to prevent muscular waste, sugars are more important than proteins are... of course you need a decent amount of protein... but you need glucose more for muscle protein breakdown... glucose prevents cortisol release... fructose and galactose convert to glucose in the body, so they also prevent muscular waste... the theory is that if your body has a sufficient amount of proteins already in it, then this will prevent your body from "asking" muscles for protein to produce energy... this may or may not be true... but one thing for sure is that glucose prevents muscular waste... so in order to definately curb some of the protein breakdown, replace 10 g of protein in four meals with a fruit... thats what i do... and i'm lean as sh*t when i wanna be... and i keep my strength and size... try it... dont juice when u do it... i cant say that this will work with any cutting cycles... because i havent done it before...

  16. #16
    EatRite's Avatar
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    diets should be changed if you are juicing... think about it... if you are doing a bulking cycle... you definately should eat more food in order to put on more size... if you keep calories constant, you wont gain as much weight as you could... i've never done a cutting cycle or a bulking cycle, but if you say that the food doesnt have to change in a cutting cycle then i stick by my assertions that 270 - 330 g protein for a person who is 210 lbs is a lot...

    and you are right... you can absorbe and use 45 g. of protein at once... but it depends on when you are consuming this 45 g... if you are eating 10 meals a day you will not use 45 g of protein without turning it to fat, esp. if you aren't juicing... it depends on how much your body needs the protein... if you are juicing your body has an increased ability to use proteins... thast why i said that juicing should have something to do with what you eat in a cycle...

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by EatRite
    diets should be changed if you are juicing... think about it... if you are doing a bulking cycle... you definately should eat more food in order to put on more size... if you keep calories constant, you wont gain as much weight as you could... i've never done a cutting cycle or a bulking cycle, but if you say that the food doesnt have to change in a cutting cycle then i stick by my assertions that 270 - 330 g protein for a person who is 210 lbs is a lot...

    and you are right... you can absorbe and use 45 g. of protein at once... but it depends on when you are consuming this 45 g... if you are eating 10 meals a day you will not use 45 g of protein without turning it to fat, esp. if you aren't juicing... it depends on how much your body needs the protein... if you are juicing your body has an increased ability to use proteins... thast why i said that juicing should have something to do with what you eat in a cycle...
    Yes you're right about changing your diet when bulking/cutting, but you don't have to juice to perform either of these tasks.

  18. #18
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    i'm not saying you need to need to juice to cut or bulk... but if you are bulking on test and deca or whatever you would use to bulk, you need a sh*tload more protein than if your bulking naturally... that is my point... protein intakes should not remain constant no matter what your workout plan is... if you increase your cardio and decrease your weight training from 5 lifts a week and 2 cardio sessions to 3 lifts a week and 4 cardio sessions, you should definately cut down the protein intake and increase the carb intake because carbs are more important to the body for cardio and protein is important for muscle repair... if you arent taxing the muscles as much as you normally do while you are cutting, which you are probably not going to be seeing as how your ability to perform heavy lifts decreases because of the lack of extra calories in the diet and a lower bodyfat, your muscles are not beign broken down as much as they would be while you are lifting to maintain or to bulk... therefore less protein is needed in order to repair those muscles...

    and about cutting... i dont think anybody should need to juice to cut... you should be able to naturally shred down with a cycle of self control and dieting...

  19. #19
    cal565 is offline Junior Member
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    How does this sound

    Meal 1: 10 egg whites
    1/2 cup oatmeal

    Meal 2: Protein shake
    8 Almonds

    Meal 3: Grilled Chicken Salad with full fat ranch dressing

    Meal 4: Protein shake
    8 Almonds

    PWO: Protein shake with dextrose (36 protein, 75 dextrose)

    PPWO: can of tuna
    1/4 cup brown rice

    Meal 7: Lean Beef
    Green Vegie
    1 tbsp of Flax

    I will also have one cheat day a week and do cardio 5-6 days a week for 45 min in the AM.
    Thanks for the help bros.

  20. #20
    carbs-rule is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by cal565
    How does this sound

    Meal 1: 10 egg whites
    1/2 cup oatmeal

    Meal 2: Protein shake
    8 Almonds

    Meal 3: Grilled Chicken Salad with full fat ranch dressing

    Meal 4: Protein shake
    8 Almonds

    PWO: Protein shake with dextrose (36 protein, 75 dextrose)

    PPWO: can of tuna
    1/4 cup brown rice

    Meal 7: Lean Beef
    Green Vegie
    1 tbsp of Flax

    I will also have one cheat day a week and do cardio 5-6 days a week for 45 min in the AM.
    Thanks for the help bros.

    I would make meal 4 whole foods, but I don't see why a proetin shake wouldn't suffice. Why 8 almonds? Any reason for that number?

  21. #21
    EatRite's Avatar
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    if you dont want more carbs, at least add a lot more veggies... antioxidants and phytochemicals are real important.........

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