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Thread: My Diet

  1. #1
    Tom's Avatar
    Tom is offline Associate Member
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    Sep 2001

    My Diet

    Just wanted to see if Im on the right track here, this is my diet

    meal 1 - 1 cup of rice, 6oz of chicken breast
    meal 2 - protien shake, 3/4 cup of oats flax oil in shake
    meal 3 - 6oz of chicken breast, 1 cup of brown rice, 1/4 cup of brocoli
    meal 4 - protien shake, 3/4 cup of oats & flax
    meal 5 - 6oz of chicken, 8oz of potato
    meal 6 - pro shake & flax 3/4 cup of oats

    of course ill change it up on some days throwing in eggs at some times and yams,and tuna things like that also ill be taking vitamin c, vitamin,e calcium pills, and vitamin b. Im trying to do the clean bulk and maybe shed some fat on the way Im 170 5'11 around 12% BF. Im thinkin of throwing in some cardio maybe three times a week to help with a little fat loss.

  2. #2
    Tom's Avatar
    Tom is offline Associate Member
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    Sep 2001
    also forgot to add, 1/4 a cup of brocoli in meals 4,5 & 6 not to mention a gallon of water a day.

  3. #3
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    I'd check out the "how to cut" sample diet/approach atop the page for some improvements to your approach. Secondly, your training days will differ nutritionally from your non-training days. Last, don't "think" about adding cardio in 3 times a week, do it, and far more than 3 times per week.


  4. #4
    Tom's Avatar
    Tom is offline Associate Member
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    Sep 2001
    wouldnt cardio more then 3 times a week make it hard to put on muscle? Im not trying to do a strict cutting diet im trying to do a clean bulk

  5. #5
    bigdogc is offline Associate Member
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    Mar 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Tom
    Just wanted to see if Im on the right track here, this is my diet

    meal 1 - 1 cup of brownrice, 6oz of chicken breast
    meal 2 - protien shake, 3/4 cup of oats flax oil in shake dont mix fats (flax) with carbs (oats)
    meal 3 - 6oz of chicken breast, 1 cup of brown rice, 1/4 cup of brocoli good
    meal 4 - protien shake, 3/4 cup of oats & flax dito on number 2
    meal 5 - 6oz of chicken, 8oz of potato yams rule!
    meal 6 - pro shake & flax 3/4 cup of oats get rid of carbs for last meal, assuming you are about to go to sleep

    of course ill change it up on some days throwing in eggs at some times and yams,and tuna things like that also ill be taking vitamin c, vitamin,e calcium pills, and vitamin b. Im trying to do the clean bulk and maybe shed some fat on the way Im 170 5'11 around 12% BF. Im thinkin of throwing in some cardio maybe three times a week to help with a little fat loss.
    Welcome to body buiding, its hard to bulk and loose body fat, its possible, but its hard so go for either bulk or cut. Actually, go for bulk, dont even consider cutting. As for the rest of the diet, figure out your caloric values, try to get 300+ g protein!

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