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  1. #1
    ward065's Avatar
    ward065 is offline Member
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    Why must i stuff myself to gain any weight?

    i've always been lean ,even before i started lifting. But i have found out that i need to basically stuff myself to gain any weight.

    On my cycle i was averaging 4,400 calories per day and gained a little bit over per week of solid mass. Now i am more of in a maintence phase, but still i would have to say i average between 3500-3600 cals per day. Slightly less on workout days, slightly more on workouut days (actual calories range from 3300-3900)

    Anyway, i also do NOT eat a very clean diet, yet my bodyfat is still quite low (people here have told me under 10%). I eat a good diet though, typically i will have bagels and cream cheese and eggs and juice and fruit for breakfast, for lunch i will have several pieces of grilled chicken, and some french fries, for dinner i will have more chicken, with macaroni and cheese or lasagna (or another type of meat, i do not always eat chicken and i also sometimes have bread and vegetables). I drink a good sized protein shake after i workout, (and i still drink one on non workout days, but it is bigger on workout days) and later in the evening my typical meal is a really big sandwich (about 10 oz of turkey or ham with a couple pieces of cheese) with a couple pieces of fruit.

    on w/o days i tend to eat a bit more too- i may have an extra can of tuna, an extra bagel, yogurt etc

    yeah, it seems a little weird for me, why i need to stuff and gorge myself to gain weight. it can give me cramps etc and i don't really like to gorge, but to gain mass i have found that it is a requirement
    Last edited by ward065; 10-02-2005 at 12:29 PM.

  2. #2
    Puffader's Avatar
    Puffader is offline Senior Member
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    My chic eats more then you. That's a diet for a super model bro. Start eating...!!

  3. #3
    G-Force's Avatar
    G-Force is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Puffader
    My chic eats more then you. That's a diet for a super model bro. Start eating...!!

  4. #4
    G-Force's Avatar
    G-Force is offline Anabolic Member
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    i eat over 5000 (CLEAN) cals when bulking and i'm not even a particularly hard gainer

  5. #5
    ward065's Avatar
    ward065 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Puffader
    My chic eats more then you. That's a diet for a super model bro. Start eating...!!

    2 bagels and cream cheese- 400 cals

    orange juice- 100 cals

    4 eggs, 2 whites- 150 cals

    3 grilled chicken breasts (about 10 oz) = 400 cals
    medium french fries= 300 cals

    10 oz baked chicken= 400 cals
    large serving of macaroni, or pasta= about 400 cals

    Protein shake with 3 scoops powder, 16 oz skim milk= 500 cals

    Sandwich with 10 oz lean meat =550 cals

    banana and orange= 180 cals

    =3380 calories..........and this is my diet usually on a NON workout day

    don't know how you can call that not eating much

    this is about my MAINTENCE level

    whenever i eat over 4,200,4400 calories (needed to gain weight, i don't want to now because i'd put on more fat than muscle)- whenever i eat over that amount, which i did on cycle, i gained a good amount of muscle but i also felt kind of sick from eating all that food
    Last edited by ward065; 10-02-2005 at 12:32 PM.

  6. #6
    IBdmfkr's Avatar
    IBdmfkr is offline AR VET
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    You don't get hardly any unsat fats or veggies in your diet ward. It could deff. use some improvements. Try getting more unsat fats in every other meal and you'd not have to stuff yourself with all those carbs. Keep in mind carbs=4cal/1gram. Fat=9cal/1gram.

  7. #7
    ward065's Avatar
    ward065 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by IBdmfkr
    You don't get hardly any unsat fats or veggies in your diet ward. It could deff. use some improvements. Try getting more unsat fats in every other meal and you'd not have to stuff yourself with all those carbs. Keep in mind carbs=4cal/1gram. Fat=9cal/1gram.
    veggies arent my favorite, usually the only veggies i'll have are a salad at a resturant (not a ton of dressing though, it makes me sick) or raw carrots.

    so youre saying when i gain weight again to eat more unsaturated fats? do you mean stuff like peanuts, peanut butter etc?

  8. #8
    IBdmfkr's Avatar
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    You need more veggies in your diet, they are essential to many functions that your body goes through. I will go into more detail if you'd like, or just do a search.

    I am not saying up your unsat. fats Just for bulking, I am saying your diet is not good for maintaining/gaining muscle or losing fat. There is A LOT more wrong with your diet than just no veggies or unsat fat, those are the just two most important things that stuck out to me. Unsat fats are Also a very important parts of a good diet. EFA's/omegas is what I'm referring to.

  9. #9
    G-Force's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ward065
    veggies arent my favorite, usually the only veggies i'll have are a salad at a resturant (not a ton of dressing though, it makes me sick) or raw carrots.

    so youre saying when i gain weight again to eat more unsaturated fats? do you mean stuff like peanuts, peanut butter etc?

    yep - and Flax oil, olives, avacado, egg yolks, etc

    just dont eat 'em with high GI carbs

  10. #10
    IBdmfkr's Avatar
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    Ward, spend more time in the diet forums and read the sticky's to get a good base knowledge. Nutrition is key, without it you will never reach your goals.

  11. #11
    ward065's Avatar
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    well, i know my diet right now is maintaining my weight with relatively low bodyfat....

    the question i really had was how i can force myself to eat when bulking and not feel sick and cramped all the time (when i was gaining about 1lb of muscle per week, i felt like almost puking from eating so much). i scoffed down a tub of fat free cottage cheese every day before bed with tuna fish, it helped me gain mass but boy i felt gross

    i know i have a relatively good metabolism though

    regarding veggies.....not every bodybuilder eats 'em. Lee Priest has even said he does not like greens. Additionally, i absolutely hate and will not eat a bland, tasteless meal (Chicken and plain rice for example)- i wouldn't be eating enough

  12. #12
    IBdmfkr's Avatar
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    I understand where your coming from, but seriously, neither you or I can compare ourselves to Lee Priest, so don't worry about what he does or doesn't do. We are not genetic freaks. So concentrate on what your goals are and achieve them. If that means waking up 3 hours early to eat a meal and then going back to sleep then do it. If not, then just don't worry about it and maintain your weight. This is a hard arguement, It really boils down to what your willing to sacrifice. Taste is temporary, gains last.

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