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  1. #1
    KingMike is offline Associate Member
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    Mar 2004

    Please critique my unconventional bulk

    I am a serious endo. I have lost 100 pounds in the psat 3 years and have some fat and loose skin that drive me bonkers. I have tried morning carbs, preworkout carbs, complex, honey, allof it. It all leads to the same thing. I get bigger but gain fat fast.While cutting I have 4 P/f meals leading up to training with 2 P/C meals post training and strength went up and felt lean all the time. So I have tried this for a few days. Let me know what you think. All meals are spacd out at 2 hours but they are smaller in size.

    30 minutes cardio on empty
    1: 8 oz. lean beef, green beans cal:320, P:42, fat:18
    2: 3/4 cup + salmon, green beans cal: 310, P:40, fat:17
    3: same as meal 1
    4: same as meal 2
    5: (preworkout) 2 scoops whey, 1 tbs. flax oil: cal:310, P:40, fat: 15
    6: (PWO) 2 scoops whey, 14 packs smarties: cal:550, P:40, carbs:84
    7: (1 hour later) 1 scoop whey, 8 oz. pollack fillets, 2 yams: cal:650, P:50. carbs: 80-85
    8: (1 hour later) 2 scoops whey, 1 tbs. flax oil: cal: 310, fat: 15
    9: 8 oz. chicken, .5 oz. nuts: cal: 300, P: 45, fat:11

    DAILY: cal: 3380, protein: 300

    I workout Monday -Friday and take Sundays off. On Sundays I eat only Oats, yogurt, cottage cheese and yams, about 400-500 carbs with about 200 protein with about 4000 calories.

  2. #2
    V5RED's Avatar
    V5RED is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by KingMike
    I am a serious endo. I have lost 100 pounds in the psat 3 years and have some fat and loose skin that drive me bonkers. I have tried morning carbs, preworkout carbs, complex, honey, allof it. It all leads to the same thing. I get bigger but gain fat fast.While cutting I have 4 P/f meals leading up to training with 2 P/C meals post training and strength went up and felt lean all the time. So I have tried this for a few days. Let me know what you think. All meals are spacd out at 2 hours but they are smaller in size.

    30 minutes cardio on empty
    1: 8 oz. lean beef, green beans cal:320, P:42, fat:18
    2: 3/4 cup + salmon, green beans cal: 310, P:40, fat:17
    3: same as meal 1
    4: same as meal 2
    5: (preworkout) 2 scoops whey, 1 tbs. flax oil: cal:310, P:40, fat: 15
    6: (PWO) 2 scoops whey, 14 packs smarties: cal:550, P:40, carbs:84
    7: (1 hour later) 1 scoop whey, 8 oz. pollack fillets, 2 yams: cal:650, P:50. carbs: 80-85
    8: (1 hour later) 2 scoops whey, 1 tbs. flax oil: cal: 310, fat: 15
    9: 8 oz. chicken, .5 oz. nuts: cal: 300, P: 45, fat:11

    DAILY: cal: 3380, protein: 300

    I workout Monday -Friday and take Sundays off. On Sundays I eat only Oats, yogurt, cottage cheese and yams, about 400-500 carbs with about 200 protein with about 4000 calories.
    very well written,easy to read and informative, and this is the first bulker ive seen on this site based on the food, not the drugs

    anyways, i would reccomend for you just the opposite of the adjustment i need to make to my need more carbs as opposed to fat

    a great carb source is oats blended with milk and chocolate syrup(chocolate isnt necessary, but i like it)(i do 2 cups oats, 3 cups milk and chocolate to taste) if you drink it immediately after its blended, it is extremely smooth and easy to drink.....if you wait, it becomes paste
    also, what is your weight, height, age

    congrats on the weight loss and again on the quality of the post

  3. #3
    KingMike is offline Associate Member
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    I am about 185, 6 foot tall and about 15% BF. I tried the oats and lean protein in meal 1 and 2 with pre workout honey but I was feeling bloated. I read an article by Ronnie Coleman and he said that if you have been fat before that your diet should always consist of no more than 20% carbs. If my energy stays the same and my lifts improve, what is wrong with P/F through the day as opposed to P/C? Is'nt the time to build muscle after a workout. That is why I have all my carbs PWo and none before. I am trying to keep my insulin levels down until I need them up (pwo). Whenever i am on a carb based diet I have trouble getting fat in my diet.

  4. #4
    Giantz11's Avatar
    Giantz11 is offline Respected Member
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    As a serious Endo, I would cut out all sugars even Post workout. I would also not be eating a pro/fat meal before training. Fat will not be able to be utilized during training because of intensity and the protein will just be converted to glucose.

  5. #5
    KingMike is offline Associate Member
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    Any suggestions then on how an endo can gain the most fat free mass? I have tried it all. actually when I first started dieting I did no cardio and had oats for breakfast, worked out, then had only protein and veggies the rest of the day. It worked well but after I started reading the boards I started adding fat,and changing stuff and it has been pure hell since. I was getting life 400 grams of protein, 30 or so fat and about 100 carbs a day and never had an issue until cardio was introduced.

  6. #6
    Giantz11's Avatar
    Giantz11 is offline Respected Member
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    I'd say get your thyroid checked. I mean extreme Endo, should still be able to gain fat free mass. You still have a maintenance levels cals, right?

  7. #7
    KingMike is offline Associate Member
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    Yeh, it seems that over the years once I get to about 3000-3200 I notice an increase in mass. No matter how I eat. I was doing ckd a while back and ate 3300 calories this way and gained about 5 punds without my waist budging. I like that but everyone I talk to says NO WAY to ckd for mass gains.

  8. #8
    Giantz11's Avatar
    Giantz11 is offline Respected Member
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    Shit dude if it works for you then, by all means do it.

  9. #9
    Kärnfysikern's Avatar
    Kärnfysikern is offline Retired: AR-Hall of Famer
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    Scotty, beam me up
    I got to say that if you can stick to that diet while bulking I have tremendous respect for you!!

    One thing you could try is to go the opposit way. Semi low fat(30-40g/day). high protein and medium carb. You might be the kind of guy that has a body that do prefers carbs(even with your bad experience). If the carbs comes from fruits and beans, brown rice, lentils and other fiber rich foods I dont think it would fatten you.
    I dont think going to any extrem in the macrobalance is that good and defenetly not a keto diet. A keto diet is missing many important micronutrient sources. It might make you lean but it will not be good for your health.

    Great work with loosing those 100pounds bro you must feel like a million bucks!

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