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  1. #1
    FLOo is offline Associate Member
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    the scale! cutting

    for the last 2 weeks i been gettin on the scale and nothing has changed at all and i been stickin to my diet and cardio hard ... its puzzling me
    weight is 245 and im 6'2 with about 17% bf

    Looks like im shaping up in the mirror a lil bit, but im not losing any pounds from my cutting diet on the scale.

    here is diet

    6:30 protein shake and flax
    10:30 chicken breast an wheat noodles or oats
    2:00 tuna and peanuts... dont eat to many peanuts cus of the calories.. just enough for some good fat
    5:30 lean meat and some cheese
    7:30 pro shake with flax
    10:00 eggs and a couple yolks an a lil cheese

    on lifting days i add pwo nutriion and ppwo wich is 80gr dex and 40 pro ..ppwo is lean meat with brown rice or maybe whole wheat bread and that takes place of 1 pro/fat meal from my reg diet on days off.

    runnning tren a/prop winny t3 clen .. for my cutting cycle .
    dont believe i gained to much muscle yet
    soo the question is why ISNT THE SCALE GOING DOWN IN WEIGHT WHEN I GET ON IT ? lol

  2. #2
    steve0's Avatar
    steve0 is offline NASM~AFPA~CPT
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    BRO u aint eating enough i would starve on that diet and i weigh 190,

  3. #3
    FLOo is offline Associate Member
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    would you add more meals? i usually eat some lean meat with my pro/fat shakes too for a lil more solid food.
    man i thought that would be a good diet for cutting fat 3 carbs meals on workout days and 1 somtimes 2 on nonworkout days.
    should i include a donut in there steve0?

  4. #4
    steve0's Avatar
    steve0 is offline NASM~AFPA~CPT
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    A donut ???? WTF are u serious ??

  5. #5
    FLOo is offline Associate Member
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    i was being sarcastic lol

  6. #6
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    It's obvious that your amounts are simply wrong for your goals.

    Your breakdown of foods is decent, but it's the amounts you are consuming that is the issue.


  7. #7
    WHOADY4SHOADY's Avatar
    WHOADY4SHOADY is offline Senior Member
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    I hate you SwoleCat with your crazy slogans and stuff, and your awesome avatars. LOL. Back on topic, I would not worry to much If I was you, since you said you arent losing weight, but you are looking better in the mirror, in fact you should add some more food in my opinion.

  8. #8
    novastepp's Avatar
    novastepp is offline Have You Picked a Fight Lately?
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    i never judge by a scale, i judge by a mirror always...
    and definately just up your portions, foods are on...

  9. #9
    FLOo is offline Associate Member
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    Aug 2004
    sigh i guess i iwill add more food... if anything i thought i was eating to much to lose fat

  10. #10
    novastepp's Avatar
    novastepp is offline Have You Picked a Fight Lately?
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    you're eating not enough and you're gonna lose muscle...

  11. #11
    FLOo is offline Associate Member
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    Aug 2004
    how you guys know im not eating enough if i didnt put my portions?
    hoping me being on a cycle would stop any kind of catabolic effect
    this is how much im eatin

    6:30 40grams of whey protien and 2 table spoons of flax

    10:30 40grams of protien out of lean meat and half a cup of oats or full cup of wheat noodles

    2:00 2 6 oz cans of tuna and a hand full of peanuts wich adds up to about 20gr of fat

    5:30 40 or 50 grams of protein out of lean meat and atleast 20 grams of fat from cheese .. maybe some cashew butter too

    7:30 40gr of whey protein with some lean meat with cheese and a table spoon of flax

    10:00 about 50 grams of protien from lean meat and 2 tables spoons of flax

    this is for my days off... now on days i lift i take out the 7:30 meal and add lean meat 40 or 50 gr of pro with a sweet patato wheat noodles or oats with about 50 grams of carbs. plus the pwo shake wich is 40 pro/80dex
    this is a cutting cycle not bulking lol.. shouldnt be losing to much muscle since im on 100mg of prop and tren ed atm.

    does this diet still sound bad for a guy thats 245 pounds 17% bf since i have added how much i eat in each meal? or should i still add more food?

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