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  1. #1
    Phyll's Avatar
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    Insulin Sensitivity Experiment - Check it out bros

    So yesterday night after I came back home from the gym I decided to run a little experiment on my blood glucose levels using my gf's accucheck.

    Here are the results:

    6:30 PM - BEFORE PWO - 69 - Kind of low, feeling slightly hypo, but no biggie.

    PWO Shake was Whey and carbs (mix of simple and complex, 50g dextrose, and rice cakes, maltodextrin, total of roughly 100 carbs)

    7:15 PM - 20 min after shake - 81

    8:15 PM - Before PPWO - 95

    My PPWO had the same pro/carb ratio but solid meal.

    I measured it for the last time 30 min after eating PPWO and it was at a solid 95 again.

    My question: Is this the expected response? Shouldn't Glc levels be a little more elevated than 81-90 after your PWO?

    What is the range we are looking for?

    Should I add more dex? What you bros think? Giantz, Swole?

    And no, I am not taking slin.

  2. #2
    Giantz11's Avatar
    Giantz11 is offline Respected Member
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    Too be quite honest I'd think you BG would be higher than that. I'm not sure what the expected range of a healthy person should be after 100g of Glucose but I can check my text book at home. Anyways I don't feel that elevating your insulin higher than what you did is needed.

  3. #3
    Phyll's Avatar
    Phyll is offline Associate Member
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    Thanks bro, I'd appreciate that. Something could be slightly messed up because I have been feeling hypoglycemic most of the day lately.

    I mean 69 is out of the normal range even after a 12 hr fast, and that's how low my glucose was when I got home from the gym last night. Also, right now I am feeling freaking hypo. I had my normal lunch, roughly 60g carbs, 50 Pro two hours ago. I don't have a way to measure it but I know the symptoms alright, should be around 70 again.

    I wonder if the R-ALA is causing it, I have been taking the 200mg from AST, should I lower it to 100mg?

  4. #4
    Giantz11's Avatar
    Giantz11 is offline Respected Member
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    Drop the ALA and see what happens. I know ALA can lower BG.

  5. #5
    Phyll's Avatar
    Phyll is offline Associate Member
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    I'll try that. Funny thing is that I don't take ALA prior PWO, may it has an extended 1/2 life... Should I up the carbs on my pro/carb meals?
    Last edited by Phyll; 02-13-2006 at 02:33 PM.

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