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  1. #1
    Power Viking is offline Banned
    Join Date
    Apr 2005

    Cutting diet without losing ANY musclemass

    Right now I`m bulking up, and I guess my body fat % is between 15 and 18.
    I`m a powerlifter, not a builder, so I don`t need to be all that lean, just don`t want my fat % above 15. My goal is to drop to 12% body fat within reasonable time without losing ANY muscle mass.

    I`m juicing for strength now and I weigh about 265lbs at 6"2. I`m going to end my cycle in the end of march.

    One of the problems I have is that my max strength in the bench press drops like a stone as soon as I lose a couple of pounds of body weight. I guess this is because of low glycogen levels, because my strength in supportive excersises and leg/back strength remains the same.

    Is it possible to keep all my strengt and drop from about 17% BF to 12% before july if I start dieting down in the beginning of april?

    I`ve never got this dieting thing going good so I`m hoping for some good answers from you guys. I always end up just slightly decreasing my calorie intake and then I lose (temporarily) 20-30 lbs of my bench press strength over night. I end up being frustrated and spend three months dropping from 17% BF to 15 BF and then going "**** this diet shit; I`m not getting slim and I lose strength at 10 times the speed I used to build it up. At this rate I`m going to be as week as a teenager before getting down to 12% BF!" And then I spend another month bulking up to get my upper body strength back and then juice some more telling everyone that its really feminine to weigh less than 300 lbs anyways.

    Question 1:
    How long after my steroid cycle should I wait before dropping weight?

    Question 2:
    How many calories should I cut? I guess I eat somewhere between 4000 and 5000 calories a day now.

    Question 3:
    How much cardio can I do before it affects my strength?

    Question 4:
    How much ECA should I take? 50 mg of ephedrine before each workout?

    Question 5:
    How do I fill up my body with carbs before doing heavy upper body excersises? I feel like I have to stuff myself with carbs for three or four days before my body gets the glycogen storages full *sigh*.

    It would be fun to drop 10-15 lbs of fat in three-four months without sacrificing strength if possible. I have ephedrine, a stationary bike and good work out ethics, so all I need is some advise from you guys who know how to do this right.

  2. #2
    Power Viking is offline Banned
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    I`ve estimated my daily calorie intake to be 4600 calories. This seems to be a little more than what I need to balance my body weight.

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