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  1. #1
    lightwaytbaby's Avatar
    lightwaytbaby is offline "Anabolic Reviews Affliction"
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    Realistic Goals in cutting up???

    whats up guys, i have a quick question, and was wondering if this sounds a fairly big guy, at around 240lbs. @approx 13.5-14%BF, at 6'3'' 19yrs old, i enjoy working out, and have been on a mass gaining diet routnie, approaching 3500-4000 cals daily, for quite some time and like the fact the i can enjoy my carbs from time to time, but for the upcoming summer down her in sunny fl., i was thinking about cutting here is what i was thinking of doing...i want to stay relatively big w/o loosing all my size, so if i were to imply the cutting sticky diet to meet my current demands, with an abundance of cardio 2 x daily, would i be able to reach a fairly lean physique, in approx. 6 weeks?of this being 100% perfect dieting...what i want to do if maxamize the time im big and minimize the cutting period so i can retain some goal as far as BF% would be 8%.would this be doable in 6wks?
    keep in mind w/o the use of AS, and proper natural supplements.let me hear what you think, any comments/suggestions, thanks again for your help...

  2. #2
    lightwaytbaby's Avatar
    lightwaytbaby is offline "Anabolic Reviews Affliction"
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    a low BF% would be exellent, but i guess it all depends on what i look like...after viewing other members pics, it makes my question 8%, it seems that my look may be obtainable at 9-10%...we will see...

  3. #3
    hardgainer12's Avatar
    hardgainer12 is offline Senior Member
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    i have 8% and im not impressed but U r ur biggest critique. Everybody tells me i look ok but i still c the dork from 8th grade! anyways if u have a good diet, and it sounds like u do and u know what ur talking about, then i think ur goal is reachable even if u have to continue into summer w ur cutting! remember u have 3-4 months of summer to show off!

  4. #4
    lightwaytbaby's Avatar
    lightwaytbaby is offline "Anabolic Reviews Affliction"
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    thanks for the encouragment, as it will be my goal physique would be to achieve abdominal muscles, while retaining a relativly muscular appearance, which hopefully should be achieved in a well planned diet/cardio routine, but i hope this will be possible in 6 weeks or so, and if i must, i might have to continue throught the summer...

  5. #5
    Hackamaniac's Avatar
    Hackamaniac is offline King Without a Crown ~
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    I think it would be hard as hell just my opinion

  6. #6
    1buffsob's Avatar
    1buffsob is offline Mr.Modesty
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    Look behind you.
    Assuming your estimations are correct, 14% bf, you would need to lose about 14lbs of pure fat. Granted, 6 weeks is more than enough time to lose that amount of weight, but without aas and 2 cardio sessions a day, you're bound to lose a good amount of strength and muscle along with it. Best of luck though. Keep us updated.

  7. #7
    *Alex*'s Avatar
    *Alex* is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hackamaniac
    I think it would be hard as hell just my opinion

  8. #8
    lightwaytbaby's Avatar
    lightwaytbaby is offline "Anabolic Reviews Affliction"
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    well cardio would be 6 times a week, twice a day, session 1 (am) on empty stomach, and session 2 aftger work out, except on leg day, hince 6 times.
    diet will be identical to cutting sticky diet with a few adjustments geared twords my bodyweight, and caloric needs.W/O will be my classic w/o's as always,using a 5 day split, chest/back/sholulders/arms/legs, and on extra day resting but still doing cardio/abs.but i definately want to stay away from AAS, but i still take plenty supplements such as whey/glutamine/mv,a,b,c,e/calicum/DHEA/l-carnitine/amino-acids/CLA/fat burners and flax oil, so i try to cover all bases, especially nutrients that i would sacrafice are there any other suggestions?please remember im not and eager to learn, so please critique, thanks again.

  9. #9
    bcap is offline Member
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    don't do cardio after workout. you need to intake your macros immediately after a workout - protien and carbs - and if you go do cardio after that, your not burning fat, your burning that protien and carbs in which you need for your muscles.

  10. #10
    lightwaytbaby's Avatar
    lightwaytbaby is offline "Anabolic Reviews Affliction"
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    well i was thinking that i would consume my PWO shake immediately after W/O, then do my 45min of cardio, and by the time i get home it will be roughly that approx. hour bridge you should wait to eat after workout.

  11. #11
    bcap is offline Member
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    bad idea.

    after you workout, your muscles are in dire need of nutrients. you need to feed them what they want - protein, and the correct carbs to help replenish energy. these foods (pwo shake) need to have time to work. if you go and do cardio after you take them, you a) won't be burning fat, you'll be burning that pwo shake off and b) your muscles won't get w hat they want beacuse your not giving them a chance to go and grab those nutrients, you're burning it off instead.

    if you MUST do cardio and workout this close, do cardio first, even though it is not suggested becaue then you cannot go all out for workout because you'll be tired.

    I suggest (and what i do) is cardio on an empty stomach on some days (in the a.m.) and days where youw ant to work out, do cardio at a totally different point in the day, a few hours after your previous meal, then eat after your cardio.

    good luck, Bryan

  12. #12
    Myka's Avatar
    Myka is offline Made Of Sugar
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    Im not making fun but...

    ROFL 8% in 6wks...

    Maybe you can do it though...

  13. #13
    bcap is offline Member
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    I was thinking the same NewKid.

    Take it this way dude, I am currently cutting. I am doing a PERFECT cut, no cheating at all. Cardio 6 times a week, weights 5 times a week. The first week i only dropped .7% bf. If that rate keeps up (which it wouldn't) you would be able to drop 5.6% at the most, thats with no cheating and a hardcore training schedule.

    But good luck to you, it is possible i suppose if you really put your mind to it. Good luck and keep us updated.

    BTW, we'll see on Thursday how much more my bf% dropped, then we can reasses maybe.


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