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Thread: Flatulence

  1. #1
    squatdaddy's Avatar
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    It's been years since I have followed anything even closely resembling a bodybuilder’s diet, actually twelve years to be exact. All this time I have been practicing the diet of middle America, pizza, fast food and boxed meals for the most part and my waist line shows evidence of this. There was a time when bodybuilding equaled life and with that came the discipline of strict dieting. I am perfectly capable of abandoning taste for nutrition and am now coming full circle back to that mindset. It is a Gaspari mentality: “Is it going to help me or hurt me” I use this before anything hits my lips… it is good to start eating like this again, I can’t believe how easy it is to lose your way. Anyway, back to the subject line, “Flatulence”… wow, I forgot how much clean eating smells anything but ‘clean’… read: I can clear a whole room out in no time flat and then it does not disperse but hangs like a cloud over lake Michigan … now being a guy I do find some amusement with this, actually I find it funny as hell, unfortunately my wife does not share my sediment, not even a little. She has gone as far as to threaten our sex life if it keeps up, for some reason she just doesn’t find it sexy or a turn-on, in fact, she is down right traumatized.
    Funny as I find my new found funk, cold bedrooms are a much bigger concern; so this has been a long winded post to ask how does everyone deal with this little side effect. I try to be discrete and visit another room but that doesn’t work, it just follows me like a damn smelly shadow? Has anyone used some of the over-the-counter stuff like Beano?
    Thanks for the input

  2. #2
    Myka's Avatar
    Myka is offline Made Of Sugar
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    dont do that around your wife...find a way to avoid it...

    Personally the only time I feel like that is when I cheat and eat "dirty" foods...the rest of the time its nothing or quite controlable...

  3. #3
    Giantz11's Avatar
    Giantz11 is offline Respected Member
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    Sounds to me like you are eating alot of protein, that'll do it for sure. Try sc****g back a tad on your intake. Or try taking Bromelain to aid in digestion.

  4. #4
    squatdaddy's Avatar
    squatdaddy is offline Associate Member
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    I will try the Bromelain, thanks... yeah, the protein is around 450g per day give or take... lots of raw broccoli and fresh foods also in the mix

  5. #5
    bigsd67's Avatar
    bigsd67 is offline Anabolic Member
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    450g protein is an awful large much do you weigh and what are your other stats? also try some papaya enzymes and acidopholus (sp) to help with digestion.

  6. #6
    G-Force's Avatar
    G-Force is offline Anabolic Member
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    its broccoli and veggie sin general that make me fart

    the best way to avoid farting is to burp more
    its less offensive

  7. #7
    squatdaddy's Avatar
    squatdaddy is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigsd67
    450g protein is an awful large much do you weigh and what are your other stats? also try some papaya enzymes and acidopholus (sp) to help with digestion.
    actually after posting I thought about that number and went back to the diet logs and calculated a median number... it is 389g on average over a course of a typical week (total protein / 7 days) some days were as high as 450 (lift days) other a little lower (off days)... total calories in the neighborhood of 3100/day ... most of my protein comes from whole foods such as egg whites, chicken breast, tuna, etc (no dairy) but I do suppliment with protein shakes... my diet follows very closely to the one posted and stickied to this very forum for the "bulking" diet... I realize I need to get my carbs up a little more (median ~200g/daily) but again, trying to re-aquaint myself with my body and fine tuning the diet when needed, so far it has been alright... my stats currently are 5'8, 35 years old, 208lbs, and around 18%BF...
    and thanks for the acidopholus, I remember them now that you mention it. My wife will thank you all

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    try charcoal, i think they can be bought as capsules that can absorb smells and relieve ur wife of ur stinking ass! lol. give them a try, and yeah, digestive enzymes as well.

  9. #9
    WHOADY4SHOADY's Avatar
    WHOADY4SHOADY is offline Senior Member
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    Im the same way bro, when I get up around 375 400g of protein, its unreal. I hate the ones that are warm, those are the worst. LMAO. I hope the women steer clear of the thread.

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