Been dieting for 7 weeks. Not one cheat meal and super clean every day. I have had 3 refeed days spread out with around 3400 calories or so of only oatmeal and maybe some dairy. I got very lean and have been gaining strength. Friends say I look good and I am getting some looks from the ladies. Here is the problem. I am only eating carbs pwo in my shake. My lifting buddies tell me that no matter how I feel or look that I should have a clean carb day, cheat day or something to shake things up atleast every 2 weeks. I am afraid to have one now becasue of the way I look and feel. I am not addicted to cabs anymore and I am also afraid that eating even oats will trigger that addiction. I am a former fata$! who once weighed 285 and now have hovered around 180 for 3 years. Any advice? I am currently 6' 185 lbs. with arond 14% fat. I used to cheated every Sunday with 4000 calories to lose my weight and I feel that to get to the next level that had to stop.