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  1. #1
    loftgroover2's Avatar
    loftgroover2 is offline New Member
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    diet help wanted

    hi peeps newbie here need help on dieting but its pretty hard due to my working hours which is 6 a.m - 2 p.m, 10p.m - 6 a.m, 2 p.m - 10 p.m this week i'm on 6 - 2 and this week i started my workout/ diet program
    5 a.m wake up
    6 a.m in work take 50 grms protien shake
    8 a.m 1 boiled egg and 1 apple
    10 a.m 50 grms protien shake
    12 p.m single turkey sandwich
    3 p.m baked potatoe plain
    4 p.m gym
    5 p.m 50 grms protien shake
    7 p.m 2 chicken breasts with either veg or salad
    9 p.m 1 low fat yogurt

    gym wise i've done this week is as follows
    incline flies, bench press, cable flies top, cable flies bottem, peck deck
    rope extension, rope push down, dips, crucifix extension top cable
    up-right row, dumbbell front raise, dumbbell press, rear deltoid
    under arm pull downs, seated row, press behind neck pull down, wide extension pull ups
    hammer curls, dumbbell concentrated curls, ez/straight bar, cable crucifix
    calf raises, leg extension, lunges, hack squat
    stomach and cordio

    most is low weight with 4 sets of 25 reps
    is this diet ok i'm trying to cut my waist down as this is my most major prob area i play football 2/3 times per week as well. is there any thing else i could do to help get rid of fat and tone up at the same time? thanks gareth aka loftgroover2

  2. #2
    1buffsob's Avatar
    1buffsob is offline Mr.Modesty
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    Look behind you.
    We need stats and total macros for each meal (amount of protein, carbs, fats). Take a look at the cutting sticky at the top of the forumn.

  3. #3
    novastepp's Avatar
    novastepp is offline Have You Picked a Fight Lately?
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    yeah bro what are your stats? age, height, weight, training experience...

  4. #4
    brutesinme's Avatar
    brutesinme is offline Member
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    too much liquid food in the morning. Breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, dine like a pauper.

  5. #5
    loftgroover2's Avatar
    loftgroover2 is offline New Member
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    age: 26
    height: 5,11
    weight: 15 stone 10 ounces
    trainning: relitivly poor! nd not much experience in weight trainning have'nt trained really since i was locked up 2 years ago so i'm in no condition really this is where i want to change tho well since monday thats when i've started i think the hardest part is going to be tonning up i don't think i've got the genetics for instance my arms are long and are pretty hard to bulk up i've got a pretty good back big n that big shoulders but as i said my arms let me down. any good ideas for inprovement? my working hours also let me down like this week i was 6 - 2 next week i'm on nights 10 - 6 then 2 - 10 but i can adapt with the 6 -2 with the 2 - 10. i think nights are going to be my hardest task. anything will help i'll be putting pics up soon how i look now then every say 4 weeks i'll put progress pics up BUT NO LAUGHING as i said this is totally new to me so i really really appreceate people reading this and adding things on to help me thanks again gareth aka loftgroover2

  6. #6
    1buffsob's Avatar
    1buffsob is offline Mr.Modesty
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    Look behind you.
    Check the cutting sticky for basic guidlines and put a diet together following that dieting format. Once you do, post it up so we can critique it. Because, although I've seen much worse, your diet needs some definate work.

    Hope to see your new diet soon.


  7. #7
    novastepp's Avatar
    novastepp is offline Have You Picked a Fight Lately?
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    in a dilapidated apt.
    definately take a look at the sticky as the ol buff sob said. we could critique what you have but i think it would be beneficial to you to gain the knowledge the sticky can give you. good luck on choosing a plan of attack!

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