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  1. #1
    Superballer's Avatar
    Superballer is offline Associate Member
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    Gained 40 lbs.... Need diet advice

    21 years old.
    5'11' 200 lbs 15% BF??
    Before pic on left (Sept 29, 162 lbs), After Pic on right (April 1, 200 lbs)

    Rest of my story here:

    Workout routine here:

    Been on this bulk for the last six months. Gained 40 lbs, but a lot of fat. Last two months, have been lazy and cheating way too much. Lots of fat came with that.

    Want to get a abs for summer, then clean bulk from here on out. Never want to be this fat again.

    My question: What is the best way to accomplish this, a two month cutter w/ cardio?

    Or just start doing cardio while still bulking as below?

    I was aiming for P: 300 g / C: 400 g / F: 130 g.

    M1 Pro/carb: 1.5 cup oatmeal
    P: 15 / C: 81 / F: 12 450 cal <------ all cal from food packaging
    1.5 cups Egg whites ( = 6 eggs)
    P: 36 / C: 6 / F: 0 180 cal

    M1 totals P: 36 / C: 87 / F: 12 630 cal
    Only counting complete protein sources toward macros, but including all protein in calorie calculations.

    M2 Pro/fat: 1 can tuna (12 oz) w/ 1 tbsp. Full fat mayo
    P: 32 / C: 0 / F: 15 265 cal
    2 Tbsp. Natural Peanut Butter
    P: 8 / C: 6 / F: 16 210 cal
    1 oz almonds
    P: 6 / C: 6 / F: 14 163 cal

    M2 total: P: 32 / C: 12 / F: 45 638 cal


    M3 PWO: 2 scoops whey and 75 g dextrose
    P: 40 / C: 75 / F: 0 460 cal

    M4 PPWO: 0.75 cup brown rice
    P: 9 / C: 102 / F: 4.5 480 cal
    Chicken breast 7 oz
    P: 42 / C: 0 / F: 1 180 cal

    M4 PPWO total: P: 42 / C: 102 / F: 5.5 660 cal

    M5 Pro/fat: 6 whole egg
    P: 36 / C: 6 / F: 27 420 cal
    1 inch cube of full fat cheddar cheese
    P: 7 / C: 0 / F: 9 110 cal

    M5 Totals: P: 43 / C: 6 / F: 36 530 cal

    M6 Pro/carb: 2.5 cups yam
    P: 0 / C: 93 / F: 0 394 cal
    7 oz. Chicken breast
    P: 46 / C: 0 / F: 1.5 200 cal

    M6 totals: P: 46 / C: 93 / F: 1.5 594 cal

    M7 Pro/fat: 2 scoops casein protein
    P: 40 / C: 0 / F: 0 160 cal
    2 tbsp. Flax oil
    P: 0 / C: 0 / F: 28 326 cal

    M7 totals P: 40 / C: 0 / F: 28 486 cal

    M8 Pro/fat (before bed): 224 grams cottage cheese
    P: 35 / C: 0 / F: 0 140 cal
    56 grams almonds
    P: 40 / C: 0 / F: 28 320 cal

    M8 totals P: 35 / C: 0 / F: 28 460 cal

    Daily totals: P: 314 / C: 369 / F: 128
    3884 cal from macros
    4458 cal from packaging

    Is the fat from eggs an okay fat source for Meal 6?

    Where is the best place to put my green veggies: pro/fat or pro/carb?

    Any comments welcome.
    Last edited by Superballer; 04-02-2006 at 01:46 AM.

  2. #2
    1buffsob's Avatar
    1buffsob is offline Mr.Modesty
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    Look behind you.
    I think the cutting sticky on top of the forumn is exactly what you're looking for. It would take forever, and a bitch load of cardio, to drop fat with that kind of a bulking diet. Just my opinion.


  3. #3
    Myka's Avatar
    Myka is offline Made Of Sugar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1buffsob
    I think the cutting sticky on top of the forumn is exactly what you're looking for. It would take forever, and a bitch load of cardio, to drop fat with that kind of a bulking diet. Just my opinion.

    I agree but the real reason I posted was to ask: WHY ARE YOU HOLDING YOURSELF IN THE 2ND PIC??????????????????????????/

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Superballer
    21 years old.
    5'11' 200 lbs 15% BF??
    Before pic on left (Sept 29), After Pic on right (April 1)

    Been on this bulk for the last six months. Gained 40 lbs, but a lot of fat. Last two months, have been lazy and cheating way too much. Lots of fat came with that.

    Want to get a abs for summer, then clean bulk from here on out. Never want to be this fat again.

    My question: What is the best way to accomplish this, a two month cutter w/ cardio?

    Or just start doing cardio while still bulking as below?

    I was aiming for P: 300 g / C: 400 g / F: 130 g.

    M1 Pro/carb: 1.5 cup oatmeal
    P: 15 / C: 81 / F: 12 450 cal <------ all cal from food packaging
    1.5 cups Egg whites ( = 6 eggs)
    P: 36 / C: 6 / F: 0 180 cal

    M1 totals P: 36 / C: 87 / F: 12 630 cal not counting incomplete protein toward macros, but including w/ calories (i.e. protein from oatmeal):

    M2 Pro/fat: 2 cans tuna (12 oz) w/ 1 tbsp. Full fat mayo
    P: 65 / C: 0 / F: 15 390 cal
    2 Tbsp. Natural Peanut Butter
    P: 8 / C: 6 / F: 16 210 cal
    1 oz almonds
    P: 6 / C: 6 / F: 14 163 cal

    M2 total: P: 65 / C: 12 / F: 45 763 cal


    M3 PWO: 2 scoops whey and 75 g dextrose
    P: 40 / C: 75 / F: 0 460 cal

    M4 PPWO: 0.75 cup brown rice
    P: 9 / C: 102 / F: 4.5 480 cal
    Chicken breast 6 oz
    P: 42 / C: 0 / F: 1 180 cal

    M5 PPWO total: P: 42 / C: 102 / F: 5.5 660 cal

    M6 Pro/fat: 6 whole egg
    P: 36 / C: 6 / F: 27 420 cal
    1 inch cube of full fat cheddar cheese
    P: 7 / C: 0 / F: 9 110 cal

    M6 Totals: P: 43 / C: 6 / F: 36 530 cal

    M7 Pro/carb: 2.5 cups yam
    P: 0 / C: 93 / F: 0 394 cal
    7 oz. Chicken breast
    P: 46 / C: 0 / F: 1.5 200 cal

    M7 totals: P: 46 / C: 93 / F: 1.5 594 cal

    M8 Pro/fat: 2 scoops casein protein
    P: 40 / C: 0 / F: 0 160 cal
    2 tbsp. Flax oil
    P: 0 / C: 0 / F: 28 326 cal

    M8 totals P: 40 / C: 0 / F: 28 486 cal

    Daily totals: P: 312 / C: 369 / F: 128 3960 cal

    Is the fat from eggs an okay fat source for Meal 6?

    Where is the best place to put my green veggies: pro/fat or pro/carb?

    IMO i would change out meal six with some Lean Ground Beef and some mozzarella cheese, instead eggs, and have some green veggies with that. Like some green beans.

  5. #5
    Superballer's Avatar
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    Newkid... haha. does look kinda funny... I was just trying to pull up boxers to show legs without my shit showing.

    Keep the comments coming

  6. #6
    novastepp's Avatar
    novastepp is offline Have You Picked a Fight Lately?
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    i agree with the above, devise a cutting diet... it will suck but stay on track if you have trouble with that KEEP A LOG, bros like em, and it will help keep you on track.

    and i have a question, what was your training routine like?

  7. #7
    Superballer's Avatar
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    when i get home tonight will be posting training routine in workout forum... thanks for the responses

  8. #8
    Superballer's Avatar
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  9. #9
    speedtraining's Avatar
    speedtraining is offline Senior Member
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    can you post up more pics.. I'm looking for where you gained 40 lbs at no flame intended but i'd like to see some more pics.

  10. #10
    Superballer's Avatar
    Superballer is offline Associate Member
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    speed training:

    has more pics. I agree, looking at the pics I don't look a lot bigger. More of a full body stature change though. My chest still lags and I don't have any real strong points. But I am A LOT bigger as a person.

    I get comments all the time about how much bigger I look from people that haven't seen me for a couple months.

    But remember a lot of the 40 lbs is fat on my stomach, so it isn't exactly flattering. But I'm glad any which way, I've always been an extreme ectomorph and was just surprised that I could get fat, almost reassuring, next time I know just to eat cleaner. I cheat WAY too much, especially the last four months.

    Here's a pic from Dec 9 at 181 lbs....

    The first twenty pounds went pretty good, but the last twenty has been way too much fat... WAY too much cheating. But it hasn't been all fat, because I've made gains in the gym, so I know I got some muscle under there.

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