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  1. #1
    sonar1234's Avatar
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    Wink After going from 203 to 196 pounds my lovehandles are still the same.

    Last week i decided that enought was enought and that i was gonna get back on a serious diet, getting myself a good fatburner and going back to the gym.

    I have been using stimulant X for the past week and cut down from 203 to 196.

    I have a huge sweet tooth for sugar that i have not felt since using stimulant x.

    I have always add great results in burning off the lovehandles on a low carb diet and guess that since stimulant X cuts out the appetit and the sugar craving i will give it a try starting Monday.

    Has of next week i will get a new membership in a gym and will be able to train with weights once again, and do some cardio (I will still need to take it easy cause i am not done with back pain yet.)

    I know that on low carb you dont have to eat 6 meals a day and 3 is quit fine.

    I dont want to do the traditionnal low carb diet with bacon and all other saturated fats.

    I have some ON whey protein and after searching the web and this forum i found out that the best time to take it is in the morning and after training PWO.

    I plan on training in the morning will that be alright to take 2 shakes so close togheter?

    I am 33 years old and tired of seeing theses lovehandles, my waiste size is 38 inches.

    Any advise would be welcomed thank you very much everyone.

    I will keep using stimulant X til this summer after a week of taking only 1 pill a day i still feel the effect, i got 90 days worth.

    By the time summer rolls around my back pain should be gone, my posture should be better and i should be cleared by my kinestologist to start training like i used to.

    I also feel that with less weight its gonna ease back pain and make it easier to work on my posture.

  2. #2
    Myka's Avatar
    Myka is offline Made Of Sugar
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    How could you stand only eating 3 meals a day...

    youve been cutting for a week...and your upset that your lovehandles are still there?

    best advice I can give is that you need to follow the cutting sticky or try to do some sort of carb cycling because straight low carb is bad for health IMO...

    also I dont think you should have to take "pills" to help you cut


  3. #3
    chest6's Avatar
    chest6 is offline Banned
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    Quit relying on supplements. Diet and cardio are the real workers. Don't expect optimum results off 3 meals a day.

  4. #4
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    Ok, the biggest problem I see with people like yourself who claim that they have lost weight but still look the same or see love handles is a few factors. Some people take their carbs and calories way too low, and their metabolism slows down like crazy. Alot of it depends on your body type, but low carb is not always the way to go for some, myself being one of them. I may get down to like 200 grams of carbs a day, but it's only for a week or two before a competition. I can get really cut still eating 3-400 grams of carbs/day. Try cycling your carbs, split it up into 3 days where 1 day is your high carb day, one day is moderate carb, and 1 day is low carb, then repeat. As long as your burning off more calories than you consume you'll get cut, regardless of carb intake. Ok, the second problem I've seen with people, and this is usually the most common one, is their fat intake is way too low, or almost non-existant. Be sure to include your healthy fats such as nuts, peanut butter, flax oil, fish oil, etc in your diet. I take in 150-200 grams of healthy fats/day even when I'm cutting. Also, make sure to take alot of amino acids and glutamine for muscle repair and retaining muscle on a restricted calorie diet. A protien shake or two/day isnt bad, but besides for my PWO meal I would not call just a protien shake a meal, there usually arent enough calories in one, especially when mixed w/ water, to call it a meal. Try to get the bulk of your protien intake from whole foods, you'll look and feel so much better. I usually gauge results/weight loss my first week of a diet, simply due to the fact that you could easily drop 5 or 6 lbs of water in one week. Once that second week rolls around you dont want to lose more than 2-3 lbs/wk or your going to be sparing that prescious muscle mass we all try so hard to retain(unless your obese and losing weight fast takes priority over maintaining a muscular look)so try not to lose more than 2,2 1/2, 3 lbs/wk at the most. Taking your amino acids and glutamine will help with this. The slower you make this process the more full and muscular you will look. I hope some of this info has helped, Stacked

  5. #5
    Zanelike's Avatar
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    Lowering your meals per day is more likely to cause your body to convert the calories that you bring in into fat. You get larger spikes in your blood sugars that way. And honestly 6 pounds is not that much. Once you lose a bit more you will see better results. Chest said it, rely on diet and cardio not on supplements!!!

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    oh yeah, and scratch that 3 meals/day, whoever told you that doesnt know shit from rice krispies

  7. #7
    sonar1234's Avatar
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    Thanks guys, i know that a week really is not long enough.

    Knowing my bodytype and what makes me gain weight and fat i know i have to stay away from high glycemic carbs and sugar (if anything sugar for sure cause it bloats me and goes straight to the gut).

    I dont wanna base my diet around supplement for sure but stimulant X works so good right now i just tought i take total advantage of it.

    My girlfriend is pertty big on whole wheat 14 cereal bread, its 100 cal per slice, has no sugar in it and has fiber and flax seeds.

    Makes on hell of a chicken sandwish.

    stayinstacked i knew this was the best place to ask getting advise from someone that competes is the best advise ever, i can assure you that i have pasted your advise onto a work document and will apply this during next week.

    Tomorrow i will have 2 big juggs of ON natural whey protein and flax oil.

    I know that lowering carbs too low can really slow down the metabolisme and i was not planning on staying on low carb for 3 months, maybe one or two weeks then re-intoduce good carbs like wheat and the low glycemic ones.

    Carb cycling is a good idea too and i will make sure to try this too.

    I got really scared cause i see a lot of people at my job that are in there 30 and have gain so much weight, they are having a hard time losing it and some have gotten so big with there guts that they cant even lose it.

    I got more willpower then that.

    Thanks everyone for your help, i will also check the stickes too.

  8. #8
    sonar1234's Avatar
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    How could i have been so dumb, i did a search and didnt even read the damn headline.

    Rambo put out one hell of a cutting post and i will follow this.

    Thanks guys lets hope for the best, BTW carbs are back in.

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