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  1. #1
    buja's Avatar
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    Started Bulkin: Looking for input and Critiques

    Put a lot of time researching to try and find something I liked and I thought would work for me. THis is my first trial of bulking. THe goal is about 10 lbs in 12 weeks or so, trying to be as clean as possible. So far workouts are great, eating is gong a little rough. Working my ass off to get my calories up as clean as possible. Just not adjusted to eating this much yet. Well here it is, rip away........THanks in advance for any ideas, help or critiqing you guys have!

    Bulking – 3100-3600 cals
    40/20/40 p/f/c ratio for 350/75/350

    Meal 1: Pro/Carb 7am
    8 Egg Whites, 1 Scoop Of Whey Protein, 1 cup oatmeal
    50g protein / 54g carbs / 5g fat

    Meal 2: Pro/Fat 9:30am
    Lean Ground Beef, ¼ cup swiss cheese, green veggies
    40g protein / 2g carbs / 20g fat

    Meal 3: Pro/Carb 12pm
    Chicken Breast, 1 and a half cup Brown Rice
    40g protein / 64g carbs / 3g Fat

    Meal 4: Pro/Fat 2:30pm
    2 Cans of Tuna, 1 Tbsp Full Fat Mayonnaise, Veggies
    60g protein / 2g carbs / 13g Fat

    Meal 5: Pro/Fat 5pm
    8 egg whites 1 scoop of whey protein powder, 2 Tbsp Natural Peanut Butter
    40g protein / 5g carbs / 20g fat


    Meal 6: PWO Nutrition 8:30pm
    2 Scoops Whey Protein / 80g of Dextrose
    48g protein / 80g carbs / 0g fat

    Meal 7: PPWO 9:30pm
    Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast, ½ cup Brown Rice (Measured Uncooked)
    40g protein / 70g carbs / 3g fat

    Meal 8: Before Bed 11:30pm
    2 Scoops of Whey Protein, 1.5 Tbsp. Flax Seed Oil
    48g protein / 3g carbs / 21g Fat

    @ 378 grams protein, 250 grams Carbs, and 83 grams of fat and roughly 3100 calories

    My workout looks like this – I took the basics from Pinn’s training sticky, really like the change up so far

    Day 1: Chest and back
    Day 2: Legs and abs
    Day 3: Off
    Day 4: Biceps and triceps
    Day 5: Off
    Day 6: Anterior/medial deltoid and rear deltoid
    Day 7: Off
    All 1 moves done 5 reps as heavy a load as possible
    All 2 Moves done 5 reps smaller load for control
    Superset 1 and 2 with 120 seconds in between sets
    Day 1: Chest and Back
    A1. Flat DB press
    A2. Flat dumbbell flies
    B1. Incline bench press
    B2. Incline dumbbell flies
    C1. Lat pulldown
    C2. 1 arm rowing
    D1. Bent-over barbell rowing
    D2. Seated cable rowing

    Day 2: Legs and Abs
    A1. Front squat
    A2. Lunges
    B1. 1-leg leg curl
    B2. Leg curl
    C1. Sumo deadlift
    C2. Romanian deadlift

    Day 3: Off

    Day 4: Biceps and Triceps
    A1. Barbell curl
    A2. Dumbbell curl
    B1. Preacher curl
    B2. Hammer curl
    C1. Weighted dips
    C2. Decline triceps extension
    D1. Lying triceps extension
    D2. Cable pressdown

    Day 5: Off

    Day 6: Anterior/Medial Deltoid and Posterior Deltoid
    A1. Military press
    A2. Incline lateral raise
    B1. Alternate dumbbell shoulder press
    B2. Cable front raise
    C1. Upright rows wide grip
    C2. Incline rear delt raise

    Day 7: Off

  2. #2
    insanepump621 is offline Member
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    if your bulking id imagine you need more carbs then that... other than that ur diet likes ok too me... and your workout should be posted in the workout forum... and depending on your sets i think your doing too much arm excerises... that might work better for you but over the years of training when it comes to arms less is more.... ive incorporated swolecats arm routine and have been seeing some good results

  3. #3
    buja's Avatar
    buja is offline Junior Member
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    thanks for the input, i know the carbs have to come up that was great advice, im just having trouble getting more food down at the moment. anything you like in particular you see i could incorporate?
    Also for the arms I totally agree, less is more. I have done the swolecat arm workout also and loved it. Makes a lot of sense to me. I am giving this a try for a couple of weeks, just to change it up and see if my arms respond. I appreciate all the input. THanks

  4. #4
    novastepp's Avatar
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    on your diet, you need more carbs and a great place for them would be pre workout. try having your egg whites and scoop of protein with a cup of oats pre workout. and before bed you should have whole food to hold you over throughout the night. that would be a great place for the natral peanut butter,and throw in cottage cheese for the casein and you should be fine. just heap and scoop (that's what i do) i don't measure before bed. so before bed i would go with cottage cheese and natty peanut butter.

    as far as your workout goes, you are probably working the muscles too much. you should also concentrate more on compound movements to build size. the way you are supersetting reminds me of a cutting workout. doing that much shoulder work probably is not giving the delts enough time to rest from delt to chest/back day. yucould get rid of delt day and split upchest and back day. chest could be what you have anincorporate some decline in there with it. then on back day you could do rows, lats, deads, and traps. and then on leg day you could work on your pressing (squats, leg press) whatever you like to do.

  5. #5
    buja's Avatar
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    Yeah the workout does seem very anaerobic and that could be not helping the size. I totally agree withthe food before bed also. Let me do some tweaking and Ill post another workout see what you think. THanks for the carb info as well.

  6. #6
    novastepp's Avatar
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    looking forward to the revised copy!

  7. #7
    Warrior's Avatar
    Warrior is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Are you still at 68 inches and 170 pounds? Checked you profile as this would play a big factor in your routine and diet...

    Also, you are supersetting the Sumo with Romanian deads? All I can say is be prepared...

    Especially at the end of the workout - lactate will be high, glycogen will be low... you'll get sick dude... ya might want to switch the order and grouping around a bit on that day...

  8. #8
    buja's Avatar
    buja is offline Junior Member
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    Thanks for the input warrior. THe stats are the same now (added about 1.5lbs so far but fluctating still). The deadlift superset was shitty, gave me a nice buzz and sick stomach. Anyway, took some input from the bro's and updated things a little. Felt maybe the workout was not on point for bulking. So here is try number 2. Like I said, feel free to tear it apart never done a bulking specific workout before. THanks again for all the help and input

    Bulking – 3100-3600 cals
    40/20/40 p/f/c ratio for 350/75/350

    Meal 1: Pro/Carb 7am
    8 Egg Whites, 1 Scoop Of Whey Protein, 1 cup oatmeal
    50g protein / 54g carbs / 5g fat

    Meal 2: Pro/Fat 9:30am
    Lean Ground Beef, Flax Seed Oil, green veggies
    40g protein / 2g carbs / 20g fat

    Meal 3: Pro/Carb 12pm
    Chicken Breast, 1 and a half cup Brown Rice
    40g protein / 64g carbs / 3g Fat

    Meal 4: Pro/Fat 2:30pm
    2 Cans of Tuna, 1 Tbsp Full Fat Mayonnaise, Veggies
    60g protein / 2g carbs / 13g Fat

    Meal 5: Pro/Carb 5pm
    8 Egg Whites, 1 Scoop Of Whey Protein, 1 cup oatmeal
    50g protein / 54g carbs / 5g fat


    Meal 6: PWO Nutrition 8:30pm
    2 Scoops Whey Protein / 80g of Dextrose
    48g protein / 80g carbs / 0g fat

    Meal 7: PPWO 9:30pm
    Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast, ½ cup Brown Rice (Measured Uncooked)
    40g protein / 70g carbs / 3g fat

    Meal 8: Before Bed 11:30pm
    1 cup cottage cheese 1 spoonfull natty pb
    30g protein / 5g carbs / 23g Fat

    That turns into approximately 360 grams protein, 330 grams Carbs, and 75 grams of fat. This is roughly 3100 calories

    Training Split
    Because of the high demands of the program, each body part is only worked once per week. The following split is to be used:
    Day 1: Chest and triceps
    Day 2: Legs
    Day 3: Off
    Day 4: Anterior/medial deltoid and rear deltoid
    Day 5: Off/Cardio
    Day 6: Back and biceps
    Day 7: Off/Cardio

    Day 1: Chest and triceps
    1. Flat DB press 5x5
    2. Low Incline DB 5x5
    3. Reverse grip flat BB press 5x5

    1. Wighted dips 5x5
    2. close grip BB press 5x5

    Day 2: Legs
    1. Squat 5 x 6-8
    2. Sumo Deadlift 3 x 6-8
    3. Leg Ext 3x8
    4. Leg curl 5x8

    Day 3: Off

    Day 4: Anterior/Medial Deltoid and Posterior Deltoid
    1. DB press 5x5
    2. DB side raise 3x8
    3. Upright Row 3x8
    4. Incline rear delt raise 3x8

    Day 5: Cardio and abs. 40mins at 60-70% MRH

    Day 6: Back and Biceps
    1. Bent over Rows 5x5
    2. Cable Pulldown 5x5
    3. Seated Row 5x5
    4. Pullovers 3 x 8-10

    Day 7: Cardio and abs. 40mins at 60-70% MRH

  9. #9
    buja's Avatar
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    ooops forgot the biceps on day 6. here it is
    1. Straight bar 3 x 6-8
    2. Hammer DB 3 x 6-8

  10. #10
    novastepp's Avatar
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    i like it BUJA, i think you should see great results. keep a log so we can keep up on your progress. if you have any questions feel free to PM me. good luck brosef

  11. #11
    Warrior's Avatar
    Warrior is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    I would deffinitly change this:

    Day 6: Back and Biceps
    1. Bent over Rows 5x5
    2. Cable Pulldown 5x5
    3. Seated Row 5x5 <-Don't need this for now... you got the Bent Rows, save your energy...
    4. Pullovers 3 x 8-10

    To this:

    Day 6: Back and Biceps
    1. Sumo Deadlift 3 x 5 <- Put this here - not after Squats... give them 100 percent and they wil pay off...
    2. Bent over Rows 5x5
    3. Cable Pulldown 5x5
    4. Pullovers 3 x 8-10

    Legs would then be this (add more reps to those Quads - they need the punishment. Keep the ham curls around 8 with less volume, more fast twitch)...

    Day 2: Legs
    1. Squat 5x10-12
    3. Leg Ext 3x12-15
    4. Leg curl 3x8

    Doing deads right after squats seems like too much on your CNS and recovery ability - I really don't see you able to put 100 percent both. Also, your split working a muscle group once per week seems like too much rest for your current development - give yourself more opportunity to gain... like by adding the Deads (works much of the body in sync with great growth triggers) on another day. If you do Deads as the first thing on your back day - trust me, you can feasible put 100 percent into those sets and then walk to the Bent Barbell Row and throw that fuker around like it weighs less than a broom stick (you will be mentally comparing it's load to the one you were pulling with the deads)...

  12. #12
    buja's Avatar
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    THanks for the input guys. I will incorporate those changes warrior I like what you had to say. As far as the split goes, so you think I should add deads to another day like say sumo on back day and then maybe straight leg or romanian on leg day. You are right, it takes a lot out of me to focus on the deads after squats, my mind wants to wander.
    Nova - that you in your avatar? Looking pretty shreaded. I am the same height going for about that weight as my goal.

  13. #13
    novastepp's Avatar
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    yeah i've been bulking for about 8 weeks now. and i am so impressed with my results and very limited fat gain. best progress i have ever made in the past 8 weeks. i hope you have the same.

  14. #14
    buja's Avatar
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    Over the weekend I did Legs friday and then shoulders yesterday. Ill post the workout when i get the time.

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