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  1. #1
    ascendant's Avatar
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    bulking up again, and having the bloated, ate-too-much feeling all day long again...

    well, though i'm definitely psyched to be getting back into working out after my long lay-off, i've now begun my bulking phase. the working out, pushing myself, soreness, and all that don't really bother me much. the most annoying thing is the bloated feeling from all the calories you need to take in for bulking up.

    i know i used to get it off and on back in the day, but it's like every day all the way from noon till i go to bed, i'm overfull all the time to the point of borderline nausea sometimes. though i'm making great gains (5lbs in a week and no gain in bf%, no joke), this overfull feeling is killing me.

    just wondering, how long does it typically take when starting a bulk-up routine to get used to the amount of calories you're pumping into yourself? i don't want to drop my calories cause i'm not gaining any bodyfat and making unbelievable gains, but i honestly can't increase my calories anymore or else i'll probably be throwing up by dinner. any help for those who know how long it takes to adjust would be much appreciated.

  2. #2
    novastepp's Avatar
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    forcefeeding is what i do too. learn to love it.

  3. #3
    ascendant's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by novastepp
    forcefeeding is what i do too. learn to love it.
    oh man, it's killing me! i just weighed my post-workout shake before i drank it. the damn thing weighed 4 1/2lbs!

    i know you gotta force feed to really grow, but it never used to be this hard back in the day. i guess cause back then i gradually got used to it, but i just don't remember how long it took and right now it's bad.

    hopefully this continuous bloated, semi-nauseous feeling will start going away. i guess i have to wait for my stomach to expand some, right? well, i'm definitely giving it a workout with all i'm eating!

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    yeah your stomach will stretch, the bloat will subside. but the "feeling full feeling" won't let up much. but the uncomfortableness will.

  5. #5
    suckysucky's Avatar
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    jsut curios how many calories are u taking in bro?

  6. #6
    ascendant's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by suckysucky
    jsut curios how many calories are u taking in bro?
    right now, up to about 3300 or so. it's rough cause i started with cutting up, so my diet was pretty low and i was always hungry before eating. now i went to the opposite extreme with having to force feed cause of my metabolism.

    i have all my diet info in another post you can find by looking at my recent posts, and my stats are all in my profile. i'm still working on the diet and it's not as good as i'd like it to be, but could definitely be much worse. it's a work in progress.

  7. #7
    D7M's Avatar
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    ascendant, I'm bulking now too. I feel you. the force feeding, half-nauseous, etc. ah, it's great. that and i take 3 huge dumps a day. just remember it's all worth it in the end

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by derek7m
    ascendant, I'm bulking now too. I feel you. the force feeding, half-nauseous, etc. ah, it's great. that and i take 3 huge dumps a day. just remember it's all worth it in the end
    yea, i know, but it's still a bitch. the past couple days it's been getting a little better. there are sometimes though where i eat so much it takes me an hour to down all the food. then an hour after i just finished eating, i'm eating again!!!

    the main thing that keeps me going is hopping up on that scale at the end of the day after all the gorging and watching those pounds adding up. then when i check my bf% to make sure it's lean mass, that seals the deal. tough though finding that equilibrium where you add muscle but not bodyfat.

    oh, and just a quick update, i jumped my calories up to about 4000 now cause my gains slowed a lot near the end of this week, most likely cause i needed to up my intake.

  9. #9
    Steve80's Avatar
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    The bloat prolly has alot to do with what you are eating, not how much you are eating. I had the bloat like crazy, and I changed a few things and it is gone. For me taking 90% of dairy out and really watching sodium has helped. I eat all day now and dont get the bloat. Dairy and salt were killing me. I was so bloated I thought I was gonna puke constantly. Nowe I rarely get the bloat.

    Also i did a test to see if it was that my stomach stretched. One day after a week or so of the cut down on dairy and sodium, at ate some salty foods along with dairy, and bam! bloat/pain city.

    Hopefully this will help you too.

  10. #10
    ascendant's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steve80
    The bloat prolly has alot to do with what you are eating, not how much you are eating. I had the bloat like crazy, and I changed a few things and it is gone. For me taking 90% of dairy out and really watching sodium has helped. I eat all day now and dont get the bloat. Dairy and salt were killing me. I was so bloated I thought I was gonna puke constantly. Nowe I rarely get the bloat.

    Also i did a test to see if it was that my stomach stretched. One day after a week or so of the cut down on dairy and sodium, at ate some salty foods along with dairy, and bam! bloat/pain city.

    Hopefully this will help you too.
    know what? i've heard this in other threads as well about the sodium and especially about the milk. i think i'm gonna be taking the milk out of my pwo shake and just adding more gainer and whey to make up for it. that shake is what seems to get me the most bloated.

    not sure about taking any more sodium out though, cause i live in florida and when you're out in the sun, you're sweating like you wouldn't believe.

    thanks for the info bro, and yes, it definitely helped.

  11. #11
    Steve80's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ascendant
    know what? i've heard this in other threads as well about the sodium and especially about the milk. i think i'm gonna be taking the milk out of my pwo shake and just adding more gainer and whey to make up for it. that shake is what seems to get me the most bloated.

    not sure about taking any more sodium out though, cause i live in florida and when you're out in the sun, you're sweating like you wouldn't believe.

    thanks for the info bro, and yes, it definitely helped.
    Yeah then you might need the sodium living there. With the shake mix it with water instead. If I eat cereal I use water lol, everyone thinks its gross, but you cant really tell the difference.

    Glad I could help.

  12. #12
    DirtyDog7's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by derek7m
    i take 3 huge dumps a day.

    It's the only time that I can plug a toilet. It cracks me up because I have to leave the plunger by the toilet.

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