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  1. #1
    ascendant's Avatar
    ascendant is offline Senior Member
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    why does cottage cheese protein get digested slower than milk?

    well, someone just recently suggested i take down some cottage cheese as my pre-bedtime protein because the casein protein in it is absorbed much slower, allowing it to digest throughout the night longer than just the milk which i was using. just wondering why it is that even though both milk and cottage cheese are derived from the same source, there is such a difference between the digestion rates?

    also will blending cottage cheese into a shake affect the digestion rate of the casein protein in it? reason i'm asking is because i'm thinking of blending up some skim milk, cottage cheese, and whey protein as my pre-bedtime meal.

    lastly, how significant of a difference is there in the digestion rate of milk protein compared to casein? is there any websites where you can compare these (and maybe other) proteins?

  2. #2
    novastepp's Avatar
    novastepp is offline Have You Picked a Fight Lately?
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    well the difference between liquid and solids digestion time is one. but milk doesn't contain any casein if i can remember right. but cottage cheese is basically all casein. now that i type this i am doubting myself. Giants11 knows, maybe shoot him a pm.

  3. #3
    ascendant's Avatar
    ascendant is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by novastepp
    well the difference between liquid and solids digestion time is one. but milk doesn't contain any casein if i can remember right. but cottage cheese is basically all casein. now that i type this i am doubting myself. Giants11 knows, maybe shoot him a pm.
    thanks again for the help. much appreciated. i'll drop gaints11 a line.

  4. #4
    MarkyMark's Avatar
    MarkyMark is offline Member
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    I would be surprised to learn that milk digests faster .. I will research that one myself.

    When milk enters the stomach the water is extracted out and leaves the solid matter to be digested... Milk is one of the harder things for the body to digest... which means I keep milk products almost completely out of my diet...
    However, raw milk and its products have all the live enzymes that aid in its breakdown and overall nutrition ... though some think there could be some other risks involved with raw milk products.

  5. #5
    Giants11's Avatar
    Giants11 is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Milk in 80& casein
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    ***Giants11 is a fictional character any advice given is purely for entertainment purposes, always consult a physician before taking any supplements, drugs or changing your diet.***

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