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  1. #1
    SVTMuscle* is offline Banned
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    Dec 2005

    Cutting Diet, help me out.

    Starting June 1st I can end this bulking non sense since I will be out of school and really crack down on a good diet. I am gonna be entering it at about, 220 pounds and 18%bf. My goal from June 1st till Sept 1st is to get down to 195 and about 12-13%bf. I will be running a 4 day split doing 30 min of cardio post workout and 1 hour of cardio in the morning on an empty stomach on off days.

    This a diet I've quickly come up with that is basic but i know it will need work

    Meal 1- 6 Eggs whites, 1 cup of oat meal

    Meal 2- 1 can of tuna with 2 peices of whole wheat bread

    Meal 3- chicken and 1 cup or brown/white rice mix

    Meal 4- Muscle Milk

    Meal 5-Repeat meal #3

    Meal 6- Tuna with cottage cheese

    That is the basic outline of what i was thinking, critiquing is necessary I know, so help me out bro's!

    I also excluded my supps in that diet and PWO shake and stuff, but supps include
    CLA, EFA's, Flax, thermogenics, etc

  2. #2
    MatrixGuy's Avatar
    MatrixGuy is offline Good things come to those who wait
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    Hey bro. What's the total macro's for that? Doesnt seem to be enough protein IMO.

  3. #3
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    Dec 2002
    I'll say what we say for newbies here.

    Check out the sticky atop the page for cutting, it'll help u a lot!

    Bread/muscle milk/etc., they will have to go.


  4. #4
    speedtraining's Avatar
    speedtraining is offline Senior Member
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    I changed from muscle milk bro over to vp2 its just a regular old whey, not nearly as kind on the taste buds as muscle milk haha.

  5. #5
    SVTMuscle* is offline Banned
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    Dec 2005
    I will be cutting out the breads and other HG carbs pre contest, but this isnt a pre contest cut yet its just a seasonal cut so i dont wanna make it too too dramatic

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