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  1. #1
    dannyboy18 is offline New Member
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    New Comer... Have Diet Plan... Need Advice!!!

    Hey everyone! I'm new to this forum but not really to lifting. I've been lifting for about 4 years now (inconsistintly). I'm basically looking to pack on some pounds of muscle, but lean. Basically getting my body fat percentage below 10 so that my abs show a good amount better then they do now. I'm more dedicated then every now so please help with diet. I know my workout routine is good but I'm wondering if my diet plan is. I just started it and recently plugged it into fitday to see what the macros come out to. Here's my stats first:

    22 yo, 176 lbs, 13% bf, 5'9.

    I'm trying to hit the 200 mark in however amount of time it takes. While always putting it on lean and trying to define my six pack better. I've done TONS of research on this forum and did the best I could with the foods I can 'tolerate' and the foods I like to eat. Remember that this I am trying to bulk lean. That may only mean putting on 1-2 lbs. a week. Which is fine b/c it will add up in the long run. I've dieted before... but the wrong way. I.e... instant oatmeal, regular steak, bottled dressings, total or special k cerial. And probably a lot more that I thought was helping... which it was a little but not giving the results that I am looking for now. I'm basically dedicating my life to making this happen. So without any more blabbing here's the diet with all the fitday specs.

    Meal 1 (p/c)

    6 Egg whites
    natural oatmeal
    protein shake (whey with water)

    p/c/f = 48/59/7

    Meal 2 (p/c)

    1 tin tuna Fish on Low-Carb/ Low-Fat Wheat
    w/ 1 tsp. light mayo (can't eat it without it)
    Veggies (celery/peppers/carrots)

    p/c/f = 50/25/8

    Meal 3 (p/f)

    Grilled Chicken Salad w/ homemade dressing
    dressing includes: 2 tsp. olive oil, 1 tsp. red wine
    vinegar, 1 tsp. flaxseed oil, and natural spices.
    (oregano, theme, etc.)
    Veggies in salad: lettuce (iceburg and romain)
    small cucumber, tomato, green pepper,
    and small carrot.

    p/c/f = 45/10/41

    Meal 4 (p/c) (preworkout)

    10 oz. lean steak w/ nat. spices
    1/3 cup of long grain brown rice

    p/c/f = 63/45/15

    Meal 5 (p/c) (postworkout)

    Protein smootie ingred. include...
    1/2 cup non-fat milk, 1/2 cup stawberries, 1/4 cup
    ras and blueberries, 2 small scoops of ff frozen yogurt,
    2 scoops of whey (taste amazing)

    p/c/f = 53/45/6

    Meal 6 (p/f)

    8 oz. plain grilled chicken breast
    natty pb on 2 pieces of celery

    p/c/f = 41/4/11

    Meal 7

    Whey protein shake with water
    1 oz. (about 22 pieces) of almonds

    p/c/f = 28/8/16

    Totals are: cal.-2900, prot.-323, carb.-198, fat-103

    And that's it!!! Please let me know what you think as any information from some of you vets would be most appreciated. Thanks in advance!
    Last edited by dannyboy18; 04-09-2006 at 09:06 PM.

  2. #2
    Kärnfysikern's Avatar
    Kärnfysikern is offline Retired: AR-Hall of Famer
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    Scotty, beam me up
    to be honest your not going to add 14 ibs while at the same time getting more cut abs. Its close to impossible to add lean mass and drop fat at the same time. You might if fortunate stay at the same ammount of fat and gain lbm wich would lower bf% but thats tricky.

    Best thing would be to focus mentaly on getting to 200 first and worry about the abs later.

    The diet looks solid Nothing I can think of right now that you should change. Id say go with the diet for 4 weeks and re evaluate it at that point to se if it gives you the gains you are looking for.

  3. #3
    dannyboy18 is offline New Member
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    thanks johan. I thought that my diet plan would be a good choice because I am dedicated to putting on the lean mass so therefore needing the right amount of food and ratios to do it. The only reason I even mentioned keeping the six pack is because I've had one for a while now. I got it about a year ago by working my ass off for it day and night. Then six months ago I started eating like shit everyday... until a few days ago where I started eating the meals I have above. I still kept the six pack even after the six months but that looks as bad as the food I was eating. And although my current meals may not taste like a Big Mac they certainly make you feed better after eating. And then mentally you know that your body will go through the changed that you want to see.

    But I appreciate the advice and I will still work my abs as hard as my other muscles, but I won't get down if they don't show progress as fast as my other muscles. I do know that to get really defined abs it takes the right diet with less calories a day. Which I can't do because I want pounds first. Well I'll keep posting and maybe get some pics up of results soon.

    Can anybody else give some advice... it would most appreciated. Thanks.

  4. #4
    MrMent1on is offline National Level Bodybuilder
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    Quote Originally Posted by johan
    to be honest your not going to add 14 ibs while at the same time getting more cut abs. Its close to impossible to add lean mass and drop fat at the same time. You might if fortunate stay at the same ammount of fat and gain lbm wich would lower bf% but thats tricky.

    Best thing would be to focus mentaly on getting to 200 first and worry about the abs later.

    The diet looks solid Nothing I can think of right now that you should change. Id say go with the diet for 4 weeks and re evaluate it at that point to se if it gives you the gains you are looking for.
    thats solid advice.. thats peoples #1 mistake. "i wanna burn fat and build muscles at the SAME time" not going to happen. it takes 2 completely different diets. build first then burn later.

  5. #5
    dannyboy18 is offline New Member
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    Will the diet I have now help me build more??? Or do you think I need to up the calories? Or is there anything else I need to add to my shopping list to help put on the pounds I'm looking for? thanks.

  6. #6
    dannyboy18 is offline New Member
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    Apr 2006
    anybody else with advice? Everything is appreciated. thanks.

  7. #7
    dannyboy18 is offline New Member
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