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  1. #1
    ascendant's Avatar
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    Cold cuts: is boarshead ham ok?

    Well, I usually have 1/2 lb of cold cuts as part of my pre-workout meal. I only get boarshead cause it is supposed to be better than most out there as far as minimal fillers, etc, and to vary it up, I'll either go with turkey, roast beef, or ham, but i usually get ham cause it's easiest for me to take down. they all seem to have about the same amount of calories, protein, etc., so i've never seem any harm in doing it.

    recently however, someone had told me that ham supposedly has a bunch of toxins in like (like hot dogs) because of what pigs eat. can anyone confirm/dismiss this comment? as far as i know, they pump all the animals with some pretty disguisting stuff when using them for feed nowadays, so i figured it wouldn't matter much which one i choose. anyway, if anyone can give me a little more info on this, i'd really appreciate it. thanks.

  2. #2
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    I personally would opt for something other than cold cuts due to nitrates/nitrites/sodium/animal parts being used to create the meat, etc.

    A nice steak or good old chicken breast are most popular.


  3. #3
    bigsd67's Avatar
    bigsd67 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Swole i do agree with that, however i do know that boar's head uses no nitrates or preservatives and has low sodium versions of their meats. though i dont use them all the time they actually arent terrible for bbing from time to time.

  4. #4
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    Ahh, cool, I'm not familiar w/this type of product (the name alone sounds nasty, hahahahah), so I suppose it's okay?


  5. #5
    ascendant's Avatar
    ascendant is offline Senior Member
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    thanks for the info guys. as far as the cold-cuts, the above mentioned reasons are why boarshead is the only kind i get. i know a steak or chicken breast would be better, but i am usually eating on the go or at work (i work a lot), so the cold cuts makes my life much easier. it's also harder for me to put down a 1/2lb of chicken breast than a 1/2lb cold cuts and since i'm bulking, i try to take things down that i can eat faster so i'm not eating 24/7. as it is, some of my meals take me up to an hour to eat just because of their size!

    still no info though on the ham though? i tried searching the web, but no luck. seems like since they do eat just about anything, their livers, kidneys, and other internal organs do carry more toxins than most animals, but as far as the meat found in ham, i would imagine most the toxins are filtered before getting to their muscle tissue from those organs. still looking for help though guys. thanks again.

  6. #6
    dr_skier is offline Associate Member
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    what about the shaved chicken breast cold cuts?

  7. #7
    bigsd67's Avatar
    bigsd67 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by dr_skier
    what about the shaved chicken breast cold cuts?
    Like swolecat said...if something is loaded with nitrates and preservatives (it'll be on the label) then i would only use it sparingly. Even the ones without those I still only use from time to time because i prefer unprocessed meats.

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