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  1. #1
    added_juice is offline New Member
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    Feb 2006

    Help with diet please!

    What's up guys? I posted a thread in the workout for help keeping muscle while losing fat. This post is more about my diet. I am 28 and 5' 10". I weigh about 196 and would guess about 20% bf. I was in excellent shape in high school, played football, ran track, etc....Then of course I had my few years of slacking and partying. I have been back in the gym for about 5 years, but had to take time off a few times from motorcross and snowboarding injuries. Have been hitting it hard again for a year. I have been more worried about bulking and I let my gut bulk right along with everything else. That is my only problem area. I have very little fat anywhere else. I am working in Iraq with the Dept of Defense and I am stuck in a pretty bad position as far as nutrition goes. I am working with the Georgian Army and have to eat their food. They are content with hot dogs, hamburgers and mashed potatoes everyday. The PX offers little nutrition either. I guess what I am looking for is a decent diet while having very few options when it comes to healthy food. I can have my wife send packaged tuna and chicken breast as well as canned vegetables. I also have protien shakes and bars to help supplement. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Keep in mind, it has to be non perishable foods so I can have it mailed here. Thanks.


  2. #2
    Kärnfysikern's Avatar
    Kärnfysikern is offline Retired: AR-Hall of Famer
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    Scotty, beam me up
    hamburgers arent terrible if you get rid of the buns and mashed potatoes. The hamburger and some veggies is a good pro/fat meal.

    What food chooises do you have aviable except hotdogs and burgers?

  3. #3
    added_juice is offline New Member
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    Feb 2006
    Almost everything these guys here eat is either full of fat, full of carbs or both. Usually for breakfast I just eat some oatmeal, and a couple boiled eggs(whites only) and drink a whey shake. As far as the other meals, I get hamburger patties from the chow hall and just eat them with mustard and for lunch I might have a small amount of potatoes, but I don't eat many carbs at all after lunch. I eat a lot of packaged tuna and chicken breast because my wife can mail it here to me. I was thinking about having some dextrose sent and just mix it in my protien shakes for some good carbs. I pretty much just try to eat as good as I can in these circumstances.

  4. #4
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    It's hard to eat healthy and as you need to when the resources needed are not available.


  5. #5
    boxingbean's Avatar
    boxingbean is offline Senior Member
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    very true...thats y, if u live with ur parents or roomates, chances r ull be eating what they eat and getting that guilty feeling when ur joinin themm for jack in the box at 10pm b4 bed... recommend gainin diet info and buyin ur own groceries... i usually stick to cottage chees, CALCIUM soda, if i really truly crave a soda...OJ skim milk,*(no one will touch ur milk) eggs, greens..etc... i usually eat my carbs in the morning, then maybe berries or potatoes afternoon..but after that, strictly proteins,workout 6pm-7pm, depending after work, in bed around 11pm eating after wonders on the physique

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