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  1. #1
    ascendant's Avatar
    ascendant is offline Senior Member
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    Is this too low of a fat intake?

    Just wondering if this is too low of a fat intake in my bulking diet?

    Calories - 4300
    Fat - 80
    Carb - 510
    Protein - 320

    I didn't realize until recently that my fat intake was this low. Would there be any nutritional deficiencies or issues with my fat being this low, or is this alright?

    As far as my diet, it's posted in another thread. I made some modifications, but it gives you an idea of what my diets like. This just seems like a low-fat intake, but so long as I should still be able to bulk fine on it, it doesn't matter to me.

  2. #2
    SwoleCat is offline AR Hall of Fame
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    I don't even keep track when I bulk, but I don't see that as being too terribly low. Then again I don't know your size/stature/bodyfat to lean mass ratio/etc.

    Including flax oil/3,6,9 blends, etc. in a bulking approach is good for hormone levels in the body and are quite anabolic in that regard.


  3. #3
    kyjelly's Avatar
    kyjelly is offline Banned
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    seeing your cals and carbs, probably a rather large, I would up the fat to 100, but make them the nice EFA's and such

    But yeah, like Swole said, I dont keep track much as im bulking right now, but just making sure Im getting in alot of the good stuff.

  4. #4
    ascendant's Avatar
    ascendant is offline Senior Member
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    Right behind you...
    thanks for the feedback guys. as far as the flax, already taking it. just wanted to make sure it's all good.

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