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  1. #1 is offline Junior Member
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    Exclamation when to take my shake

    Now here is the issue i have, im forced to do my cardio after my weight training, normaly 65 - 75% maximum heart rate for 45 mins( no good saying do it in the am before breakfast i cant)

    So i normaly do bout an hour on the weights, then the cardio and at the moment drink the shake(whey/maltdextrose) when i leave the gym after im finished.

    I also now that muscles are in the most need of nutrients within 15 mins of training so i was toying with the idea of having the shake after i finished weight training, then doing cardio. But I dont want to mess up the fat burning patential of my cardio as i need to lose fat more then put on muslce at this stage.


  2. #2
    monstermasss's Avatar
    monstermasss is offline Associate Member
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    well as a gereral rule i always do my shake intake, off cycle after w/o and before bed, on cycle morning, pre w/o, post w/o, and before bed, low a calorie muscle milk works good for me!!

  3. #3
    InsaneInTheMembrane's Avatar
    InsaneInTheMembrane is offline Anabolic Member
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    here's what I would do

    Have a shake 1 hr prior to training to get the protein in the bloodstream, take 10 grams of glutamine right after workout but b4 cardio then have the shake after cardio

    the glutamine makes a good "bridge", it can raise insulin somewhat, just enough to stop further muscle catabolism, and because you still have low blood sugar in your system, the fat cells still continue to burn

  4. #4
    novastepp's Avatar
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    well heres what i would say

    scratch teh glutamine, anything left in your system is going to be used as fuel for teh cardio...skip em'. if you want to get real serious i would say have some whey and a carb sources (i like oats) about 30 minutes before you train. 25g pro 50g carb. then take in a serving of BCAA's as you walk in the gym (theorhetically or literally). then after training AND cardio, take in another servng of the aminos. drive home have your PWO whey and whatever carb you use there. and eat a solid pro/carb meal within an hour of your shake.

    now about your question. do the cardio after man. no worries there. i am going to find and post an article i want you to read (its long as hell, but worth every word if you do indeed read it all ). it is about the fat burning effects of cardio. some have found that it is greatest after a workout, and some say morning is better, and it covers ANY and ALL arguments of both sides.

    again, do teh cardio after, then down your shake whenever you can, at hoem is fine. there was another read recently about how whether is 10 mintes or an hour after, PWO is all absorbed the same, i'll try and find that one too.

  5. #5
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    here's the "post workout window myth" thread.

    agvain good read. based on science and some personal experience, but still a very good read to help you out.

  6. #6
    novastepp's Avatar
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    and here's the "cardio on empty stomach" thread.

    again, talking about morning on empty vs. post workout cardio. also talks about nutrition dealing with cardio, which many don't know jacksh*t about
    in any case, another great read that will assist you in your training.

  7. #7 is offline Junior Member
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    not were I want to be,YET
    Thanks for every1 s input thanks for those threads nova, should help alot.

  8. #8
    spound's Avatar
    spound is offline Anabolic Member
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    Have your shake AFTER your cardio!! Glycogen stores will be depleted after training threfore, the body will be in a more efficient fat burning state during your cardio as long as you have no nutritional intake after weight traing and before cardio....drink it after cardio. You muscles will still be able to use it and use it well at this time...dont worry.

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