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  1. #1
    shutup171 is offline New Member
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    I think i might have finally developed a decent diet, please check it out

    im 5'11" roughly 185 at probably around 13% body fat, im looking to cut down to 170. im not a bodybuilder, im actually an mma fighter but i think bodybuilding methods are second to none for good clean weight cutting. i do three strength workouts per week (MWF) as well as 3 interval training (sprints) workouts per week (same days) , plus jogging 5x per week. i upped my carbs because im so active.. i tried to apply all the principles ive learned on these boards (ie, separation of carbs/fats, combination of EFAs and nonessentials, 6 meals per day, lean sources, carbs pwo and ppwo, not too many shakes, etc.), but i guess we'll see shortly if i forgot anything hehe

    Meal 1: 1/2 cup of oats, 1/2 cup liquid egg whites, can of tuna, veggies [53 P; 27 C; 4 F]

    Meal 2: Shake w/ 2 tbsp. flax seed oil [48 P; 10 C; 31 F]

    Meal 3: 6 oz. chicken w/ green vegetables, ½ shake [35 P; 5 C;1.5 F]

    Meal 4: Shake w/ 3 cups of oats [48 P; 91 C; 3 F]

    Meal 5: 6 oz. chicken or turkey, ½ cup brown rice, ½ shake [54 P; 27 C; 1.5 F]

    Meal 6: Can of tuna, ¼ Cup mayonnaise [36 P; 0 C; 20 F]

    [279 P; 160 C; 61 F]
    2305 kcal


    cardio is done in the morning and lifting+interval training in the evenings or afternoons. on days i don't lift i obviously wont have a shake but i'll still have a decent amount of carbs even on my carb cycling days so hopefully i wont be TOO deprived of carbs. what you think?

  2. #2
    novastepp's Avatar
    novastepp is offline Have You Picked a Fight Lately?
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    i see a couple things i will comment on. first i see too many shakes. they are absorbed very fast and whole food will help you cut better than a shake IMO. thermogenic effect of food is higher than a liquid, and they keep you feeling fuller longer.
    secondly, i see you are taking in 3cups of oats in meal 4, that is a hell of a lot for one meal. at your size it isn't needed. maybe add a small amount of carbs to othe meals and take it down to 1cup or so. and i was curious at to where your PWO was? is that meal 4? just a few opinions.


  3. #3
    shutup171 is offline New Member
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    yup 3 cups of oats is in my pwo.

    i used to actually have even more shakes in there until i read up and found out the benefits of whole foods as opposed to shakes. meal 4 obviously has to be a shake because its pwo, meal 2 i kept as a shake just to make it easy, and meal 5, well i just needed 24 grams of protein so i threw half a shake in there (1 scoop instead of 2)

    should i just add more chicken into that meal?

  4. #4
    novastepp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shutup171
    yup 3 cups of oats is in my pwo.

    i used to actually have even more shakes in there until i read up and found out the benefits of whole foods as opposed to shakes. meal 4 obviously has to be a shake because its pwo, meal 2 i kept as a shake just to make it easy, and meal 5, well i just needed 24 grams of protein so i threw half a shake in there (1 scoop instead of 2)

    should i just add more chicken into that meal?
    yeah man go 10oz.

  5. #5
    novastepp's Avatar
    novastepp is offline Have You Picked a Fight Lately?
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    i don't think that 3 cups is necessary at all for PWO 1.5 cups would be plenty enough.

  6. #6
    shutup171 is offline New Member
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    oh damn thats typo.. im so used to putting 3 SCOOPS that i accidentally wrote 3 CUPS.. a scoop is actually 1/2 cup so ya its 1.5 cups youre right

    and yeah i think i will up it to 10 oz.

    thanks bro

    any other thoughts or concerns?

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