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  1. #1
    Bear-StrengthWithin's Avatar
    Bear-StrengthWithin is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2006

    need help to bump up calories for my cycle

    Here is my diet:

    Meal 1:

    2 eggs kcal:
    4 eggwhites
    2 cups oatmeal

    43 protein
    60 gram carbs
    19 gram fat
    Kcal: 600
    Meal 2:

    150 gram chickenbreast
    100 gram rice
    1 apple

    meal 2 total:

    38.9 gram protein
    92 carbs
    Kcal: 610
    vet: 3.0

    meal 3:

    150 gram beef
    100 gram rice
    meal 3 total:

    38.9 gram protein
    carbs : 78 gram
    Kcal: 600
    fat: 7.0

    meal 4:

    150 gram chickenbreast
    300 gram potatoes

    meal 4 total:

    protein: 40
    carbs: 60-70
    fat: 10
    kcal: 600

    meal 5:

    + natyy pb

    meal 6:


    total calories for the day is 3500 - 3600
    I,m not growing on that i need to bump up calories but i dont what food to add and in which meals... Anyone got suggestions? I want to be eating 6000 cals atleast so i need serieus help on this one

  2. #2
    briansauras's Avatar
    briansauras is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Meal 1:

    4 eggs kcal:
    8 eggwhites
    2 cups oatmeal(btw 1/2cup oats has 24-29 carbs)

    Meal 2:

    10-12oz chickenbreast
    2cup basmati/brown rice
    1-2cups black beans

    meal 3:
    2 slices WW bread
    2tbsp natty PB
    2 cup low/non fat milk

    meal 4:
    10oz canned tuna/salmon or some other fish filet
    12-16oz sweet potatoe

    meal 5:
    10-12oz chickenbreast
    6oz whole wheat pasta

    meal 6:
    5oz canned tuna

    pre workout nutrition:
    shake, 1cup oats or 1cup rice or 6oz ww pasta or baked/sweet po)

    post workout nutrtition:
    same as pwo

    before bed: 1scoop protein powder

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