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Thread: carbs PWO??

  1. #1
    musclestack is offline Productive Member
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    carbs PWO??

    Hey, fellas. I usually work out in the evenings when I get off work (around 8:00). After my workout, I eat a couple bananas and a whey shake with dextrose. I go to bed about an hour and a half after my workout, so my question is: is my body digesting the nutrients I put in my body after my workout or does it just turn to fat since I'm going to bed shortly after.

    I suspect I would be okay with the dextrose since it is digested fairly fast, but what about the banana (for carbs) and the Whey (for protein)? Is it all going to waist?


  2. #2
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
    perfectbeast2001 is offline "king of free stuff" / Retired
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    it is a myth that food ingested before bed turns to fat. It depends on how it fits in to the rest of your diet. If your diet/macros are sloppy you will get fat. This food will definately be digested fine. If anything eating food before bed prevents a catabolic state during the long hours without food.

  3. #3
    InsaneInTheMembrane's Avatar
    InsaneInTheMembrane is offline Anabolic Member
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    The PWO shake is not the problem IMO, its fine. What I am more worried about is that you dont have a PPWO meal. After the quickly absorbed PWO shake, your body needs at least one slow-nutrient-release meal (PPWO)to help you coast through the night.... The way you are going, your blood sugar will crash after the initial PWO insulin spike and not be able to recover properly because you are fasting thru the night, putting u in a catabolic state! That way you will be more prone to fat gain!

    If I were you, I would at least get one pro/fat meal right before bed to atleast ensure your body has something to feed on in your first few hrs of sleep...

    also, how much is a couple of bananas? one is ideal, two is acceptable (if u r bulking) but 3 is one too many IMO

    Last edited by InsaneInTheMembrane; 09-05-2006 at 11:32 AM.

  4. #4
    TR'05's Avatar
    TR'05 is offline Member
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    keep the PWo shake. One banana is fine, but it would be ideal if you were ingesting glucose rather than fructose PWO- Id say go with dextrose, oats, bagel, whatever you want. An hour after your PWO shake you NEED a PPWO meal. Make it PRO/CARB again- something like chicken breast and brown rice, sweet taters, oats, etc.

    Also, you are fine having a PROT/CARB meal as your last meal prior to bed. It is a huge myth that you will store the carbs as fat. Check out Giants Dieting Tips thread from a while back.


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