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  1. #1
    jusgettinbig is offline New Member
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    Sep 2006

    My take on peoples diets.

    Not to flame anyone or have anyone take this to heart. I have been lifting for about 20 years and have competed on many national stages for many years. I was on this forum before under a different screen name but had some issues got off for about 2 years and decided to come back and post. I see that the board has grown by almost 5x what it used to be.

    My point is everyone seems to be regurgetating the same diet. If anyone posts a diet that is different from the "standard" they seem to point that person towards said standard. I just want to let the "newbies" know that there are many proteins out there and many forms of carbs and that you don't have to have a pro/carb breakfast. I just hope that some of the people doing this are capable of independent thought and don't just try and post whore. Hel the guys out don't just throw them the same old standard.

    Thanks for reading.

  2. #2
    chuck89gt5.0's Avatar
    chuck89gt5.0 is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jusgettinbig
    Not to flame anyone or have anyone take this to heart. I have been lifting for about 20 years and have competed on many national stages for many years. I was on this forum before under a different screen name but had some issues got off for about 2 years and decided to come back and post. I see that the board has grown by almost 5x what it used to be.

    My point is everyone seems to be regurgetating the same diet. If anyone posts a diet that is different from the "standard" they seem to point that person towards said standard. I just want to let the "newbies" know that there are many proteins out there and many forms of carbs and that you don't have to have a pro/carb breakfast. I just hope that some of the people doing this are capable of independent thought and don't just try and post whore. Hel the guys out don't just throw them the same old standard.

    Thanks for reading.

    I can def agree with this statement, its not as bad as it once was. About a year ago if you were cutting it HAD to be the exact diet as the "sticky" Anytime someone had a diet that was not the same as the stickies they would get told that their diet sucked, I should know I was told that my diet sucked in the past.

    Different strokes for different folks. Not all diets work the same for all people!
    I ate very little carbs sometimes no carbs at all. I would hardly ever eat veggies and my fat intake was rock bottom. A diet which was far from the cutting sticky and I got pretty shredded doing it my own way.

  3. #3
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
    perfectbeast2001 is offline "king of free stuff" / Retired
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    If someone posts a diet for critique then they should expect critique. If you think you have a diet that is great for you but varies from the norm I would suggest it wasnt posted for critique. The reason people reguritate the same diet philosophies is because they are proven to work well. If someone asks for diet help they should be given advice based on what works not on what one guy thinks works for just him.

  4. #4
    jusgettinbig is offline New Member
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    Sep 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by perfectbeast2001
    If someone posts a diet for critique then they should expect critique. If you think you have a diet that is great for you but varies from the norm I would suggest it wasnt posted for critique. The reason people reguritate the same diet philosophies is because they are proven to work well. If someone asks for diet help they should be given advice based on what works not on what one guy thinks works for just him.

    Thats what I am saying. its not being "critiqued" its being made the "stickey" diet. I have many diets and supplements for that matter that work for me not just one. Diet philosophies change every couple of years. From Arnold to Jay there are many that argue which one was the bigger man for there time, but there diet "philosophies" were not anywhere near the same.

  5. #5
    perfectbeast2001's Avatar
    perfectbeast2001 is offline "king of free stuff" / Retired
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    the sticky diet is pretty open for interpretation. I like some of it's principles but I would not follow it's layout to the letter. I think some take it too literally.

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