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  1. #1
    biff is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2003

    Ready to get back into the gym.

    Its been about a year since I have been able to really lift like i need to, so i have been out of the practice for quite some time. I started dieting in last March , cutting out junk food pretty much all together and fried foods and anything that needed sweetening I have used splenda. At the start of my diet i was 210 and have cut down to 155. I have lost a significant amount of fat as well as muscle. I've been on a very low calorie diet and i mean very low since starting to school this year. Now that i am ready to get back into lifting again and eating right for it , if i start eating more, like for a clean bulk will all the food that i am eating start being stored as fight since i havn't eaten like this in quite some time. As of now im eating 4 small meals a day. If i start eating again like 6 meals a day will it speed up my metabolism enough to keep the food from being stored as fat?

  2. #2
    BIG TEXAN's Avatar
    BIG TEXAN is offline Respected Member
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    Aug 2002
    Add the extra meals as neeed bro...slowly increase your cals from where they've been. You don't want o just jump on a high calorie diet. Just add calories each week as you start to gain.

  3. #3
    biff is offline Associate Member
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    Mar 2003
    This might sound bad but I was only taking in like 1100 cals a day. Will the first few weeks of lifting and eating just be for the sole purpose of getting my calorie intake back to normal or will there be any chance of muscle gain? What do you think would be a decent amount of calories to increase my intake to a week. I know the way i went about losing the weight wasn't exactly the best way and that Im not going to see an over night transition theres no such thing when it comes to working out and acheiving desired results. I had been lifting weights for quite a while before i had been on the diet but i've never had to start from the position that i am now.

  4. #4
    BIG TEXAN's Avatar
    BIG TEXAN is offline Respected Member
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    Aug 2002
    You'll see gains in a short amount of time. The first couple of weeks back int he gym is to get you body used to lifting again. Building up endurance and finding your starting points. I increase my cals by 200 to 500 a week myself. Start eating 6 meals a day spaced out and just go from there...listen to your body, you'll know if your not getting enough right away....

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