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  1. #1
    stlhrse's Avatar
    stlhrse is offline Junior Member
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    should I eat before I go workout and....

    Should I eat anything before going to workout? I try to have a snack at about 3:00, but sometimes forget to if I get busy at work. I know I should take some BCAAs and an energy booster before workout, but not sure how eating and having food digesting in my stomach would affect my workout and my PWO shake.

  2. #2
    number twelve's Avatar
    number twelve is offline All Natty...Kinda~Winning Member Transformation Contest!
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    i think its good to eat a small meal 45 mins before you lift

  3. #3
    rafael is offline Associate Member
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    i eat bfre workouts...unless its leg day...then i try to abstain from food for 2~ hours bfre.

  4. #4
    finny is offline Associate Member
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    Carbs and protein meal before your workout. Carbs will give you energy and strenth during your workout and protein should be included with every meal. I like to have a meal at least one hour before my workout. Eat too much too soon and you might be puking your guts out.

    Lately, I have found that eating a banana 20min. before a workout gives me an additional boost. That's in additional to your meal.

  5. #5
    jridepb3's Avatar
    jridepb3 is offline Junior Member
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    i usaully eat some chicken about an hour before i workout and after i workout i have a shake

  6. #6
    stlhrse's Avatar
    stlhrse is offline Junior Member
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    I go workout right after work. When I eat breakfast in the morning, it's just before going to work. I don't have the ability to eat chicken or a meal an hour before I go work out. I guess I could eat a protien bar or something.

  7. #7
    H20Crazy's Avatar
    H20Crazy is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by finny
    Carbs and protein meal before your workout. Carbs will give you energy and strenth during your workout and protein should be included with every meal. I like to have a meal at least one hour before my workout. Eat too much too soon and you might be puking your guts out.

    Lately, I have found that eating a banana 20min. before a workout gives me an additional boost. That's in additional to your meal.
    Agreed. Getting complex carbs about 1 - 1.5 hours before workout will give you sustained energy throughout your workout. Banana during my workout works great.
    Don't forget to get those simple carbs and whey with PWO meal.

  8. #8
    zodiac666's Avatar
    zodiac666 is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by stlhrse
    I go workout right after work. When I eat breakfast in the morning, it's just before going to work. I don't have the ability to eat chicken or a meal an hour before I go work out. I guess I could eat a protien bar or something.
    if you cant eat a meal an hour or so before your workout i would make a shake with very fast absorbing protein and carbs (around 20g protein and 30g carbs, gatorade and whey works well). just sip on it right before and during your workout and chug another shake right after your workout, then eat a meal 30min or so later. sipping on a easily digested shake will give you the energy and nutrients you need without filling your stomach and making you sick during your workout.

    ive been reading more and more about how pre-WO nutrition is almost as important as PWO, you need some carbs available when you workout to give you energy, raise your blood sugar and to make you release insulin to keep you in an anabolic state. and you need protein available to give your muscles a head start on recovery.

  9. #9
    stlhrse's Avatar
    stlhrse is offline Junior Member
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    so the gatorade has 30g carbs in it and then I can just put a scoop or two of whey in it and sip on it in the afternoon? Could I just buy the 12 or so ounce bottles of gatorade, or do you mix it yourself? That would be perfect. Then I can eat a banana on the way to the gym or during my workout.

    Should I also be having protien at breakfast? Like putting a scoop or two of whey in my breakfast oatmeal? Awesome, thanks guys!

  10. #10
    zodiac666's Avatar
    zodiac666 is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by stlhrse
    so the gatorade has 30g carbs in it and then I can just put a scoop or two of whey in it and sip on it in the afternoon? Could I just buy the 12 or so ounce bottles of gatorade, or do you mix it yourself? That would be perfect. Then I can eat a banana on the way to the gym or during my workout.

    Should I also be having protien at breakfast? Like putting a scoop or two of whey in my breakfast oatmeal? Awesome, thanks guys!
    i just buy the gatorade powder because it is so much cheaper.

    you absolutely need protein for breakfast, your body has just gone 8hours or so without any protein so your muscles are starving. i usually have a fast acting (whey) shake right after my cardio in the morning and then eat a slower digesting source (like eggs) with whatever carbs im using for breakfast. could you post your whole diet for us?

  11. #11
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    Here is my rule of thumb for this, I eat b4 I train, but how close the meal is to my training time influences the size of the meal or type of meal I eat. If I know my meal is 2 hrs before I train then it's a bigger meal usually consisting of 1/2-3/4 lb chicken breast, 1-2 cups of rice, maybe 1/2 a bagel or something. If my meals fall in the day to where I have to eat but it's only 40 minutes before the gym then I eat light stuff, only a 300 calorie meal usually, ie; 1 can of tuna fish, 1/2 cup of oats, small salad. You'll have more energy eating lighter if it's close to your workout time. The reason behind this is your body doesnt have to work as hard to digest food as it's working out at the same time. Over eating is just as bad as under eating, it'll make you sluggish and lethargic, hindering workouts.

  12. #12
    Columbus's Avatar
    Columbus is offline Anabolic Member
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    1/2 cup dry oats and some casein for me.......

  13. #13
    Crowned is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by zodiac666
    if you cant eat a meal an hour or so before your workout i would make a shake with very fast absorbing protein and carbs (around 20g protein and 30g carbs, gatorade and whey works well). just sip on it right before and during your workout and chug another shake right after your workout, then eat a meal 30min or so later. sipping on a easily digested shake will give you the energy and nutrients you need without filling your stomach and making you sick during your workout.
    My preworkout meal doesnt really include carbs. Is it reccomended to just bring some gatorade on the workout if thats the case?

  14. #14
    C_Bino's Avatar
    C_Bino is offline $BAM-7246~AR-Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crowned
    My preworkout meal doesnt really include carbs. Is it reccomended to just bring some gatorade on the workout if thats the case?
    Include carbs in your pre workout meal man. This is a must imo. Gatorade you can still have to fill up liver glycogens pre workout if you like but even with the Gatorade I would be having some good carbs pre-workout like oats or yams.

    My favourite pre-workout carb dish is oatmeal with natural fruit preserves. A good mix of fast and slow release carbs that imo is the best mix before a workout. I have tried pure fast and pure slow carbs before and I can easily tell the difference in performance. Having the oats is great and throwing in the preserve with no sugar added (just the natural sugars) definitely gives you some gas in the reserve tank.

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