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Thread: cutting diet

  1. #1
    516's Avatar
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    cutting diet

    hey whats up guys i've been cutting for about a month and a half. i'm 5'9" 185lb about 10%bf. i'm still cutting.this is where my diets been and im not losing strength or muscle really. i take 1 cap of fish oil with every meal too. i just started my cycle of 600mg/wk test prop, 400mg/wk eq, 50mg winstrol daily. i want to check my diet out its been working good so far but i'm going away in 6 weeks and want to be shredded, i appreciate any input.

    8am 1/2c egg whites, 1 egg, some lean protien, an apple, 1 slice ww bread
    pro-35 carb-35 fat-10 total calories= 370 and a multi v

    11am whey, flax, fruit
    same as first

    2pm brown rice, some greenery, (chicken or tuna), olive oil
    same as above

    4pm workout then do some cardio (like 20min)

    530pm immediatly pwo 40g whey protien
    total calories= 160

    6pm brown rice or sweet potato, some greenery,(chicken or tuna), olive oil
    i try to eat alot of brown rice since its 30min pwo pro-35g fat-10g

    7pm mixed martial arts 1 or 2 hours

    9pm brown rice or sweet potato, some greenery, salmon
    same as above

    12am 1% cottage cheese, fish oil cap
    pro- 35g fat- 5

    protien 250g 47%
    carbs 205g 33%
    fat 60g 20%
    calories 2525

    like i said this is my diet i ramped my calories down to here over a month and a half. i know pwo this isnt optimal but i did the dex malto thing for a while and i felt like shit from it. thanks for taking the time to read this guys.
    Last edited by 516; 02-12-2007 at 12:31 PM.

  2. #2
    BigTurk is offline Junior Member
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    looks good except i would eat fat free cottage cheese and no crackers since CHOs before bed lowers GH production during sleep

  3. #3
    516's Avatar
    516 is offline New Member
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    thanks bro, i didnt know that about the growth homone levels. the1% is really low in fat the crackers make up the majority of the 10g, there like 5 and the fish oil cap is 2.5. so it would be protien 35 fat 3

  4. #4
    516's Avatar
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    anyone else? bump

  5. #5
    Chronic's Avatar
    Chronic is offline Junior Member
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    hey whats up guys i've been cutting for about a month and a half. i'm 5'9" 185lb about 10%bf. i'm still cutting.this is where my diets been and im not losing strength or muscle really. i take 1 cap of fish oil with every meal too. i just started my cycle of 600mg/wk test prop, 400mg/wk eq, 50mg winstrol daily. i want to check my diet out its been working good so far but i'm going away in 6 weeks and want to be shredded, i appreciate any input.

    8am 1/2c egg whites, 1 egg, some lean protien, an apple, 1 slice ww bread
    pro-35 carb-35 fat-10 total calories= 370 and a multi v
    Lose the bread and apple. Increase to whole cup of egg whites. Only 20g lean protein or drop lean protein and add 1 scoop whey. Add ¾ cup oats. Said meal would be about (Cal:457)(Fat:2)(Carb:57)(Pro:55)

    11am whey, flax, fruit
    same as first
    Forget the whey, fruit, and flax. You need a real meal here. Add 6-8oz lean meat, I’d go with a lean steak. Add a cup of yam or sweet potato, and a cup of dark green veggies.

    2pm brown rice, some greenery, (chicken or tuna), olive oil
    same as above
    Brown rice is fine, only 40-50g carb worth. Go with either chicken or turkey, drop the olive oil. Add a cup of dark green veggies.

    4pm workout then do some cardio (like 20min)
    You’d be better off keeping all cardio in the morning, and just leave this time for lifting, but if you must perform cardio here do it PWO under 30 minutes.

    530pm immediatly pwo 40g whey protien
    total calories= 160
    If you want a PWO shake fine, but a meal would be sufficient. If you have a PWO shake I’d suggest adding ½ cup oats to the whey and have a meal 60-90 minutes later. Not 30.

    6pm brown rice or sweet potato, some greenery,(chicken or tuna), olive oil
    i try to eat alot of brown rice since its 30min pwo pro-35g fat-10g
    If you go with the shake like I said above make this meal around 6:30-7. Brown rice is fine, only 50g carb worth though, don’t overdo it. Up the lean protein to 50g or add some egg whites. And maybe add ½ cup cottage cheese.

    7pm mixed martial arts 1 or 2 hours

    9pm brown rice or sweet potato, some greenery, salmon
    same as above
    Drop the carbs at this point. I’d go with 8 oz salmon and a cup of dark green veggies.

    12am 1% cottage cheese, fish oil cap
    pro- 35g fat- 5
    I’d drop the cottage cheese; add 8oz lean protein, perhaps more Salmon or steak. Drop the fish oil.

    protien 250g 47%
    carbs 205g 33%
    fat 60g 20%
    calories 2525
    What I suggested would put you at approx:

    like i said this is my diet i ramped my calories down to here over a month and a half. i know pwo this isnt optimal but i did the dex malto thing for a while and i felt like shit from it. thanks for taking the time to read this guys.
    I’d stay away from the spike anyway.

    I think if you made these changes you’d be way better off and have much better results. Try it. Good luck.
    Last edited by Chronic; 02-13-2007 at 02:57 PM.

  6. #6
    516's Avatar
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    thanks man, i just got a couple of questions.

    8am can you digest that much protien at once?

    11am its just easier at work sometimes plust i like to take a tbsp of flax a day but ill try to get a real meal

    2pm im only eating 35g of carbs, i should raise it

    pwo cardio is a bitchfor me to do in the morning i only do 20 min variable intensity though. im going to stick with just whey and have the meal like 45 min or so later.

    7pm yea i love it tonight was my street fighting class

    9pm sounds good

    12pm whats wrong with cottage cheese here? the stuff i eat barely has any fat or carbs in it just casein protien?

    ill calc the macros and try to adjust to hit about 2300 calories cause i wanted to lower the calories soon anyway

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