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  1. #1
    Sigmaguy2 is offline Junior Member
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    Making my own MRP, please critique

    So I am going to make my own MRP for a second meal while at work, instead of using a Myoplex or Atkins. How does this sound and please note I am not trying to bulk but rather put on lean mass/cut.

    2 scoops trueprotein whey isolate
    2 tbsp natty pb

    Do you guys think that would be healthier and more economical that the store bought stuff with all the extra sugars?

    Also on a side note: When taking Flax in the oil form, do you guys take that first thing in the morning or when. I have been taking the capsules but am tired of taking 6 per day.

    Thank you in advance for the input

  2. #2
    mavsluva's Avatar
    mavsluva is offline "Gone but not forgotten" 10/11/07
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    Most store bought MRP's contain protein, fat, and carbs. They also include some inexpensive fillers that make it taste good (sugar, maltodextrin, various oils, etc.), but unfortunately, it jeopardizes the nutritional integrity of the shake as well. I used to be a real big fan of Prolab's Lean Mass Matrix MRP for a long time, but the cost of the product and the high dosage of wheat gluten eventually got the best of me (really bad gas!).

    You can't go wrong with a self made whey, all natural peanut butter, and oats shake. You'll want to make sure that you're sizing the shake according to your bulk/cut goals. A nice alternative to this would be a can of tuna along with some flax. But as far as the economics is concerned, yes, making it yourself is cheaper mainly because you pay a premium for the packetized MRP.

    Take your flax in throughout the day. Treat it as you would any other food item. There's no benefit in attempting to retire your fat quota in one sitting.

    Good luck!

  3. #3
    Sigmaguy2 is offline Junior Member
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    My next meal after the MRP is tuna and almonds so I am just trying to get an extra meal in. If I am already eating oats for breakfast would it be ok to leave them out of the shake and just use whey, pb, ice and water?

  4. #4
    mavsluva's Avatar
    mavsluva is offline "Gone but not forgotten" 10/11/07
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sigmaguy2
    My next meal after the MRP is tuna and almonds so I am just trying to get an extra meal in. If I am already eating oats for breakfast would it be ok to leave them out of the shake and just use whey, pb, ice and water?
    I wouldn't mix the whey, PB and oats in a shake as that may be too calorically dense for your cutting plan at this time. So sure, the whey/PB shake will be okay. Just make sure that you're not overdoing your fat intake due to the added shake.

    Note: It's more than okay to eat oats throughout the day. Heck, I eat oats at least 2-3 times a day.

  5. #5
    Sigmaguy2 is offline Junior Member
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    Sounds good. I will just drink thr 16oz shake with whey, pb, water. In regards to the flax oil. I am looking to go back to the oil rather than the capsule. So should I take 1 tbsp in the morning or mid afternoon...etc. It is 11g's so I assume 1 tbsp will be enough for the day?

  6. #6
    mavsluva's Avatar
    mavsluva is offline "Gone but not forgotten" 10/11/07
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sigmaguy2
    Sounds good. I will just drink thr 16oz shake with whey, pb, water. In regards to the flax oil. I am looking to go back to the oil rather than the capsule. So should I take 1 tbsp in the morning or mid afternoon...etc. It is 11g's so I assume 1 tbsp will be enough for the day?
    Most people will tell you to take your flax with a meal that consists of very few carbs, so keep that in mind. I really don't think that the time of day will matter so much. What matters most is what you're taking it with.

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