Many bb's are taking powered oats or other quality carbs with there shakes pwo.

Taking 60+ grams of pure refined sugar in one drink is unhealthy and not scientifically proven to build muscle any more then taking in quality carbs after workout. Any doctor would tell you that 60+ grams of pure refined sugar in one drink, practiced religiously is unhealthy.

I must add that Dex/malto has been shown to increase creatine uptake, but at what risk. IMO it is not worth it.

The Magazines and crap may tell you to drink 60+ grams of pure refined sugar but common sense should tell you otherwise.

The problem is that if you are spiking your insulin all the time with dex/malto you decrease your insulin sensitivity. Now when you eat oats and quality carbs you won’t get as much of a response.

I think everybody should consider switching from Dex/malto to powdered oats or other quality carbs. I believe you will have better results and you will feel a lot better after the shake, unless you enjoy the sugar high and crash.