I dont know if this is exactly the right forum for this thread but i guess its the closest to it. Ill try to incorporate diet as much into as I can to stay on forum topic...

Ok so... I dont know exactly what my BF is... I weigh 192 with a 34 inch waist...
Ive looked all over for a BF calculator and Ive gotten 13 16 and 17%. Ill go with the 16 percent.

Anyways... how many lbs of fat would I have to lose in order to get down to 10-12%. Im assuming I have 30lbs of BF.

Im waiting for lions to fix his mess over at ar-r .com so i can finally get the clenbuterol i ordered. So would would taking Clen along with a good diet get me down to 10-12% BF by say... June If I started monday?