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  1. #1
    0t60in4 is offline New Member
    Join Date
    May 2007

    The typically asked Diet Question.

    Im starting a diet to loose belly fat specifically. Not so much interested in massing up anywhere yet, unless there are diets that i can incorporate into each other to gain mass, but drop the belly fat covering my abs. I'm not a picky eater, and cottage cheese owns! (salt, some green onion, and you're good to go at my place). But if there was any specific diet to drop that belly fat i really would like to know. A helpful post would be a detailed description of what someone at 160 pounds and about 5'9-6' tall would need to eat to get rid of about 2 inches of belly fat completely. (about how long does a certain diet take before I can switch to a different one for a different result.) Im looking for answers about how many times a day I should be eating, what kind of calories I should be looking for, what to Completely avoid at all costs. How to avoid hitting a block of weight loss. And etc. Plz and Thank u

  2. #2
    Prada's Avatar
    Prada is offline Anabolic Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Reading this will help me you man.

    Calories Spent>Calories Consumed=Fat loss
    Im being quite implicit but that is how it works.

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