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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    first diet need help

    alright guys dont beat me up to bad but here it goes.(sorry about spell its that damn dyslexic thing) i work construction mainly framing house and i live in louisiana, where its hot and humit as hell. so eating every two hours is very hard not only because of work but because i get so over heated i just dont want anything but water.but lately i have been trying very hard to eat better and because of this i have lost alot of weight in my waist. of course now i want more, i mean i want abs and to lose alittle more weight. dont get me wrong im not fat just got alittle loose around the mid secion. the problem is, one the hole work thing and two im alittle bit of a picky eater. i dont eat tuna or seafood so those are out(and yes born and raise in louisiana). other than that i am pretty open. this is my diet now just looking for a few ideas.

    7 am 4-6 hard boiled eggs most of time a protein shake

    9:30am protein shake, and a couple peice of beef jerky or couple pork skins

    11:30am almost alway a 6 inch subway club or somekind of sandwich. only meat and cheese with tomato olive oil and vinager if subway

    2pm another 6 inch sub or protein shake

    4:30pm protein shake

    5-6:30 workout and cardio (20-30mins a day at least 4 times a week)

    7pm dinner alway something good some kind of meat(steak, chicken, beef, pork) and veggie most the time a salad(little olive oil and vinager)

    9pm usally a hand full of turkey or can of chicken, maybe a protein shake

    10pm in bed sleeping shortly after

    i do change my lunch meals and eat a salad somedays but this is pretty much it. remember im new to this hole deit thing, i alway just eatin whatever a wanted and because of job i stay pretty fit. any help would be great. thanks
    (also a have read all the diet stickys so please dont tell me i need to read trust me i read my ass off on this forum)
    Last edited by rabidsquirrel; 06-02-2007 at 02:15 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    also wanted to add i do drink alot of water and power aid thoughout the day. i know power aid has alot of sugar but sometimes i got to have it. also wondering is natural sugar like that from 100% apple juice also bad.
    Last edited by rabidsquirrel; 05-31-2007 at 05:36 PM.

  3. #3
    Prada's Avatar
    Prada is offline Anabolic Member
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    There is just to much to critique, you should read the sticky man and totally revamp the diet. Then it will easier be to point out certain things.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    i have read the stickys not looking to get perfect i know i cant do that my hole live is on the go. this is as good as i have been able to get it. how bad can it be my proteins are high and my fats and carbs are fifty times lower than they have ever been. thats way i posted it. i have read alot of diets and all stickys some more than once. i even went to the recipe forum last night a wrote down a bunch of stuff it buy,then went to wal daddys so i can make better meals. i will write what i made for today and try again but really need help in this ***artment. i just dont really understand i lot of what i read.

  5. #5
    NaturalMass's Avatar
    NaturalMass is offline Banned
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    you need whole food meals... you don't necessarilly have to have low carbs or low fats either. In some cases you actually need quite a good surplus of essential fatty acids and slow digesting carbs... they are both a staple in all diets. So having low fats or carbs doesn't mean anything really. You need oats, brown rice, whole grain wheat foods, yams, sweet potatoes... the list goes on. For protein you need lean protein like tuna, albacore, chicken, lean beef, egg whites for breakfast.. and the list goes on again... EFAs are flax, flax seed oil, mixed nuts, organic natural peanut butter, avacodos, olive oil... few others i'm missing. You need to read the stickies and find out what the appropriate times for having all of these are, and what foods should be used together at what time of what day... just read read read, and read some more..

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    ok think i may have done better so far today check me out

    7am 4 boiled egg whites, protein shake, 6 melba crackers

    9 45am turkey ans cheese tortila

    12 pm 1/2 cup brown rice and 6 oz chicken in can

    2 pm turkey cheese tortila

    4 pm protein shake

    and im on my way to the gym. i read the stickys again, and know i need alot more help with this but think im getting better. that picky eater thing sucks because i hate tuna and sweet potatoes and alot of the stuff on the stickies. plus most of the stickies say that there not going to go into all the food that are good because there in another sticky. then you go to next sticky says all the same thing or the complete opposite and says things like egg yolks are ok. i get very confused. anyway im i doing any better. or should i start over again. thank for the help guys

  7. #7
    NaturalMass's Avatar
    NaturalMass is offline Banned
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    you're cutting man...... all that cheese and tortilla crap is not helping. High GI carbs take up most of your form of carbs... i posted above the types of carbs to eat. And as far as cheese for your fats... i posted more fats above you should be eating. Eating healthy is different then eating to loose fat ya know?

    And crackers/tortillas/cheese isn't gonna cut it.

    The turkey and eggs and brown rice are good. If you're in doubt... just eat those three things ALL DAY and cut everything else out.... reead what i posted above again... i listed many foods you should be eating. Now find out when you should eat them

    Noone is going to make a perfect diet for you. You make one, post it with macros and we'll crytique it. People pay other people BIG money to give them the info we have to offer, but you have to meet us half way.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    im tryin dude i read and read,just dont understand most of it.. i no i cant follow a perfect diet, im just tryin to eat a little better. and dont want someone to lay one out for me. just got alot of questions about different foods. like those wheat cracker they only have 13g total carbs. no sugar, 2g protein and 60 calories and 100mg sodium and that 8 of them. i thought they would be good, mybe put some pb on them. i can drop cheese thats easy. same with tortilla just thought it was better than bread. i have mix nuts and peanuts. to eat for snack. guess ill start over, im all about meeting half way im really trying here. all i do is read all night, just so much to learn.
    Last edited by rabidsquirrel; 06-01-2007 at 06:03 PM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    and thanks for the help man its really appreciated.

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